I and my girlfriend of just the past 1 year have been arguing pretty frequently, often than not it’s not my fault and I’d spend hours of my day trying to convince her to stay with me, she keeps bringing up she wants to break up but eventually she tells me she didn’t mean it and only said it because she was mad and didn’t want to hurt me further, I’d waste all my time putting her to bed, making sure she’s okay but when she’s annoyed, she instantly goes off giving me verbal abuse, comments such as “shut the fuck up, I don’t want to hear you, I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU” or “we should just break up” followed on by laughs, it’s got to the point where typing this i’m overflowing with tears after searching reddit for an hour straight on tips how to make her stay, and how to make her gain interests in me again, today after 4 hours of convincing she let me come over, but she kicked me out her room for an hour while she ranted to her friends on call (loud so i could hear) how she think’s I’m manipulating her, (i don’t even know how to nor would i wish that upon her), while we was somewhat okay, and made up from the argument she mentioned these exact words “hey, i don’t know how to say this but i think I’ve lost feelings for you, your compliments don’t embarrass me anymore nor do they make me nervous like they used to) I’m here now, at 3:05am pouring tears down, this is a daily occurrence now

TL;DR my girlfriend might not love me anymore

  1. She wants to break up and you don’t. There is not future here. Break up with her and work on yourself. You might find someone more compatable with you

  2. You shouldn’t be “convincing” someone for hours to do something you want to, but they don’t. She wants to break up and is only changing her mind because she is feeling pressured by your reaction. Let her go, a relationship won’t work out between two people who do not both genuinely want to be together and work as a team.

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