How’s your relationship with Dad?

  1. Fantastic.

    He’s one of my best friends and I talk to him all the time. He was a pretty good dad growing up, obviously everyone has their issues, and now that I’m adult we just relate well to each other.

    I notice that I’m becoming more and more like him every day

  2. We get along great and butt heads. Though we have a giant disagreement on my childfree lifestyle. Our relationship probably wouldn’t survive if he ever learns of my vasectomy a week ago. I’m good at putting myself in others’ shoes so I can’t say I blame him, but the fact of the matter is, he’s not the one who has to live my life. I however, do.

  3. Bit one sided if I’m honest may he rest in peace.

    Rest well big man an have my pint ready at the bar when we meet again. 🙏🏻

  4. Left when I was 3. Came back around when I was 8/9. Crazy alcoholic. Has been clean for a number of years, but we’re still a bit estranged

  5. Goos buds. He isn’t the talkative type, but he does his best to exchange jokes or talk about other serious stuff whenever i go back home, respects my decisions and opinion, and even asks for my input whenever there is trouble in the family and takes it into consideration.
    I used to be scared shitless of him when i was a kid since he was super strict with me (mostly about manners, politness and not using violence, though i got beaten for beating another kid XD), but as i got older, i started understanding how important what he did was, and i’m really thankful he did it.

  6. Not the best haven’t spoken to him in probably a decade but i heard he was in the hospital and I went to see him the year before last. He was pretty much out of it but i felt it was important to do that. I think the lack of interest in me and my sister, the willingness to live in the city and do the very little, turned me off.

  7. Very Very good

    My dad has been very supportive throughout my life both my parents have.

  8. Non existent for the most part. He openly resented ever having to spend any time with me or even pretend to be interested in me. Unless he was drunk, then he would be lecturing me about something or other.

    Took me a really long time to recognise how dysfunctional it was and still have a lot of anger about it. It rubbed off on me to a large extent but I broke the cycle, now he thinks I’m miserable and boring for not playing along. I don’t hate him though, just wish I’d be smarter at a younger age.

    It’s weird how trauma, or general knocks to your confidence at a young age can actually make you stupid. Having self confidence and making good decisions are far more correlated than I ever appreciated.

  9. Non existent. He was verbally and physically abusive and then left me homeless at 16. Haven’t spoken to him since.

  10. Fantastic.

    He is my greatest inspiration and I aspire to be like him someday… I honestly doubt I ever will.

  11. It’s not bad by any means.

    But I wish my dad was like “yo, this is my boy, lemmi call him”.

    I try my best to include my baby brother in my life.

  12. Only in my heart and head now , I lost him in 2013 . But it’s still very good .

  13. It was rough growing up. He’d verbally abuse me, he never hit me but stuff he’d yell or say would hurt. It got to the point my sophomore year I finally yelled back and that shut him up. I’m in college now and him and I live together and our relationship has greatly improved. If i didn’t tell people what he used to do you’d never know because of how close we are now.

  14. Barely know him, only talk if I’m over for one reason or another and only talk about random small talk stuff

  15. Actually pretty good, now. |I didn’t actually meet him until I turned 20, & it always felt like we were playing catch up. I think we’ve both realized that that’s futile & just live in the now.

  16. Knew when to be my friend and when to be dad, not a lot of words between us and we don’t need to, but he’d take a bullet for me and I would do the same for him

  17. Fantastic, I love my father. He raised 4 kids by himself, built a company from the ground up, got a masters after we got into elementary. I constantly look to him for advice, but I can pridefully say I haven’t asked or received any help from him since I was 15 at my own request.

  18. Biological tried to shoot my mother and I when very young when he was in a drunken rage. Born and raised in Honduras and beating kids was the norm. Parents divorced early in my life and haven’t seen him much.

    That being said, he’s gotten his anger, drinking and other problems under contol and is a much better man and is happily re married and loving life with her young kids… id be lying if I wasn’t jealous that they get to have that experience I never got with him.

    However he is the reason I will NEVER let a drop of alcohol cross my lips.

    Step dad on the other hand is a POS who openly dislikes me and everything I do and let’s me know since he married my mum.

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