It’s been extremely rough. I was bullied to the the ground in middle school since my dad was the principle.

it hurt terribly I reached my breaking point and literally cried twice in front of everybody. I used to think they were my friends and they all turned against me. So in high school, I reconnected with some of my elementary school friends and I didn’t pay attention to them making fun of me and my cousin who was there for couple of months. Like I can’t believe they considered me friend and always wanted me join them only to do that.

And on my last semester, i cut them all off and found other group of friends who were nice to me and for the first time i felt welcomed and i would sit with them and they would talk with me and stuff. but then i tried to hang out with them numerous times they always said ‘sorry i’m busy, can’t sorry maybe later’. And when we graduated they didn’t even add me to friends group or didn’t talk to me or anything. That was in 2018! It’s still haunts me.

in the country i live in, all the people are like that so i just can’t walk up to somebody and say ‘hey can we friends’ they all in groups so he’ll tell them about me and they would laugh even though we’re adults. i feel like everybody here should have made friends before college. maybe in other countries it’s normal because they take mental health & depression but here? Totally not.

TLDR : bullied and lied to by all of them, how can i recover and start to talk to others? They killed my confidence, in my 4th year in college, and only 1 friend whom i know since elementary school, but even he on his phone the whole time when we’re out. Thanks ❤️❤️❤️

  1. Do you know of any clubs in your school or area centered around hobbies? Such as a sports team. Or there are apps for making friends that you could look into.

    If all else fails, you can make friends online. Create smth like a tumblr account for a TV show or movie you like and follow other people in those fandoms, and just send them asks and stuff. If you’re into writing, posting fanfic on ao3 is great too. Subreddits for your interests might be worth a try as well

  2. I just read your reply to someone and it’s sad to see the anxiety and worry, these people have made you become such an over thinker and it’s not fair and I’m so sorry. Build your self confidence and just be you! People will either love it or hate it. You just need to find your kind of people ❤️

    But I’ll be your friend if you’d like? Do you like online gaming? You can be 100% yourself around me and I’ll never judge you! Offer is there if you’d like it but no pressure at all. Just message me if you want to chat.

  3. My son was bullied terribly in school. Don’t worry, you will find your tribe. In the meantime, be your own friend. Be nice to others but don’t let people disrespect you. Start hobbies and just be friendly with noxexpectations. Volunteer for charities. Concentrate on yourself and see a therapist to help you through that past trama. At some point you will hit your stride and leave that childish ( theirs not you) stuff behind.

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