I sometimes forget that you perceive yourself in 2D as opposed to how others perceive you which is in 3D and that’s a major factor in how a look can change.. food for thought

  1. Yes it is. For example, if you part your hair on the right, others will see it that way, but in the mirror your reflection will look as if it’s parted on the left.

  2. Yes it’s called the mirror effect and if you don’t have a symmetrical face or body they will see you differently

  3. Well, I have to hope there’s a difference. Otherwise my brain is right, and that’s a dark road to go down.

  4. My reflection in the mirror seems much more handsome than the guy I see in photographs – wtf is up with that anyway? You think a photo would capture an image no different than the mirror’s reflection, but nope! Not for me! 🤬

  5. I look like prince charming in the mirror.

    But I’m fairly certain I look like smeagol otherwise.

  6. Hate my reflection or seeing myself in the mirror. Dont know and care how others see me.

  7. Yes. I see myself generally in a more negative light. I don’t think it’s that I am overly negatively disposed, I just recognize some of my negative traits that are there, but I don’t tend to show people.

  8. For sure. I always look my reflection in the eyes, but mostly what other people see is my chin and my nose hairs.

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