so im a virgin but i have met this very kind guy and i really want to try out sex with him. but im afraid ill be overwhelmed. i have never seen or touched a penis. im also afraid i wouldnt be into it since i heard it can get messy (for example i dont know what to do with cum or if i even had to do anything). i never really watched porn or showed any interest in sexual things during my childhood. but i really really want to give it a go atleast once. this guy and i we are not really close yet so we havent really talked about anything. i have no idea what i might like and what not and im afraid of talking to him about that. not that he wouldnt be understanding but im afraid ill embarass myself. is there a good way to approach this. and i know we could talk for hours about interests and so on but i really just want to learn by doing. any tips on how i can prepare myself so it wont be a shit show? im sorry if this is a bit short but i just wanted to get to the point quickly. hope you all have a great day

  1. First things first, because you’re not sure about the cum, have him wear a condom. He finishes in the condom, problem solved. As for everything else, don’t feel like you have to rush it. Take your time, slowly experiment with things. Let him just touch or play with you, do oral things, learn the basics of foreplay. Start to learn what helps you get aroused and how he can help with that. You really want to do your best to relax and feel comfortable. The first few times are gonna be emotionally intense because you’re doing something completely new and foreign to, so being nervous or anxious is to kinda be expected. But you wanna do what you can to not overthink yourself into a panic attack.

  2. Be open with the fact that you’re not experienced and take it step by step. Especially don’t rush to the penis-in-vagina part; try to get comfortable getting each other off with your hands first.

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