What’s a great thing to invest time and effort in to as a young male?

  1. Investment accounts. Start young, leverage the magic of compound interest, retire early.

  2. Build your character, body, and intellect. Try your best to be a good person… go to the gym… eat well… read, watch and otherwise devour information.

  3. Yourself and your future. Therapy if you can access it, workout and stay reasonably fit with a good diet, find a career you can sustain your life style for the long term with potential to move up. Open a saving account and start saving money, talk to your banker about healthy education and retirement savings.

    Don’t waste your time.

  4. Just improvement in general.

    Pick any specific topic you want to improve that you enjoy and focus on that. Having a skill or trait that surpasses majority of your peers will make adult like both a smoother transition and a lot more fun.

    My topic was computers and technology, managed a pretty high level computer science job at 17. Your topic could be anything; from fitness, writing, gaming, etc.

  5. Reading. Read as much as you can, specially important books, not Harry Potter stuff. I’m in my thirties and there are hundreds of books I should have read by now but haven’t yet, and now there are many other stuff competing for my time that won’t let me read as much as I should.

    By important books I mean influential books by authors like Freud/Jung, Dostoyevski, Plato, Marx/Engels, Eduardo Galeano, Shakespeare, Machiavelli, Machado de Assis, Anne Frank, George Orwell, Newton/Einstein/Darwin, Eric Hobsbawm and many others.

  6. Getting the bag and getting jacked, sprinkled with learning game and dating chics

  7. Education. I always worked my ass of in my teens and twenties and it has been useful almost every day in my thirties.

  8. Learn any and everything you can. Develop likes and dislikes. Explore, expand your horizons, find something you are good at doing.

    Eventually, you will find something you like to do that you will get paid well to do. When this happens, life is enjoyable.

  9. Taking care of your mental health, body, and diet.

    knowing which relationships to invest or cut ties with (friends, family and SO)

    Living below your means and investing a majority of your money

    Life is a marathon, its gonna be shitty at times and it will be great at times…

  10. Studies, finance and health. Studies and finance for your future, health to reach that future.

  11. Learn to budget.
    Learn to cook.
    Learn to save.
    Learn to invest.
    Learn to exercise.
    Learn a trade.
    Learn what a boundary is and how to set them.
    Learn how to communicate.
    Learn how to have enough.

    Read books.
    Avoid influencers on social media.

  12. Learning how to be cheap but not shoddy.

    Quality over quantity. Don’t rob yourself by eating bad food, or getting too little sleep.

  13. Something that interests you and is creative and/or productive. As opposed to just consuming media. I spent a lot of time tinkering with computers and it really paid off.

  14. your education , getting a degree / diploma , working on your future , getting a job , dont wast money but save it .

  15. Here are things that I either did when I was younger, or wish I had.

    – Reading. A combination of non-fiction and fiction. Whatever interests you, find out more.

    – Stay active. Whatever floats your boat. Go for a run, hit the weight room, roll BJJ, play ball…whatever.

    – Meditate. Guided meditation apps, learn how to do it, or just dedicate some time to spending time alone with your own thoughts.

    – Eating well. Find out what a healthy, enjoyable meal is for you. Spend time/effort/money into making sure those are the types of meals you’re having whenever you can.

  16. Yourself – Educate yourself, qualifications, keep your mind and body healthy.

    Everything else will follow.

    Also look into the effects of compound interest.

  17. Everybody is going to say “gym” which is good advice but I think education is number 1.

    You should always aim to be top 1% among your peers when it comes to school. Most of them don’t even try.
    Simply putting in the work as a teenager will have you so far ahead when you get older.
    And you do not need to work/study long hours just be consistent and get shit done

  18. I started going out to events the radio station I listen to has. I have met the hosts and I have made so many new friends at those events. So I guess go out of your comfort zone and try new things instead of staying in.

  19. your passions, get better at those everyday, make a good one, if you are not improving yourself you’re doing it wrong.

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