How many photos of yourself do you have on your phone right now?

  1. I’ve had iPhones for like 10 years and they’re all synced with the same account, so… probably dozens? Low hundreds?

  2. Probably none (at most, probably less than 30?) out of a thousands. I don’t take pictures of myself.

  3. I have almost 9000 photos on my phone. I am not going to go through and count. Probably like 1/3rd though.

  4. Solo? Maybe a couple dozen

    With others a couple hundred maybe even a thousand or so

  5. Um I have tons of pictures I’m not going to count but I’m not out here taking selfies either lol. I’ll avg about 200 cause I’m in many family pics

  6. I just went on a snowshoeing trip to Alaska and then a ski trip with friends, so more than usual. Maybe 50?

  7. Maybe 30 or so of the 16kish photos I have on it. I don’t like having my photo taken.

  8. Thousands, easily. It’s a photo library of the past 10+ years and I have to do a lot of self-promotion online as part of my job.

  9. Very few

    Some in a group setting like when we won the tennis tournament for our area or when we went on vacation or something. The others were most likely taken specifically for dating purposes.

    I don’t really take selfies most of my pictures are of things I see that are interesting or for specific purposes like taking a picture of a sign or something I need to write down or remember.

    A lot of them are random animals.

  10. Half a dozen at best. Maybe another dozen of me and others. I don’t take pictures of myself and don’t really let anyone else take pictures of me either. I’m not a fan of having my picture taken.

  11. My Google Photos app has identified 2700+ photos with me in it which seems crazy high to me, though it does date back to 2011…

  12. 32 (yes I counted lol) less than half of them are actually just me though, most of them are my daughter and me together 🙂

  13. Thousands. My mum and I took thousands of photos when we were reunited at 16, for the 4 months until she died.

  14. 112 of me and my dog together (adopted her less than a year ago)

    21 childhood pictures (with or without other people)

    28 other pictures of me – dating 2013-2022 lol


  15. Hm who knows – 200? 300? And then if everything on the cloud is counted, easily thousands.

    I have so many pictures on my phone though, like 12,000 actually on this phone and then way more in the cloud, accumulated over years and years.

  16. I have 21,000+ photos on my phone. So without actually counting, I think about 10. Almost certainly less than 20.

  17. Maybe one or two, and that’s because they are a group photo. I do not like the way I look in photos and try to avoid being in them.

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