I (22 M w/ aspergers (for context)) was out walking around my local lake as I normally do every morning.

I noticed this attractive woman, who was probably in 30s, pass by me early on in my walk. She eventually was walking pretty far ahead of me because she was walking a bit faster and I was just enjoying the walk.

About 20 mins later I ended up being close behind her while walking. I sped up a bit to try to pass her so that she didn’t feel like I’m following her (like I do with anyone). It took me a bit to pass her because she would keep speeding up every time I tried to speed up. Eventually she slowed down somewhat and I had a chance to pass her.

Before I explain, one of the main reasons I’m not sure if her walking proximity had anything to do with me was because she was holding/using her phone a lot and she could’ve been distracted.

Here’s the thing that I question…

Soon after I passed her and I’m about 20 feet ahead of her, she somehow ends up right next to me and she is walking right next to me for about 20 seconds. I didn’t say hi to her or make eye contact or anything obviously due to having aspergers/lacking social skills.

After she was walking next to me for about 20 seconds, she basically sped up a little bit and was walking right in front of (about 4 feet away) for another 20ish seconds. She eventually slowed down and I passed her and never saw her again.

1 comment
  1. That’s hard to say since there’s not enough information to go off of. Maybe she wanted to be friendly with you or maybe she didn’t notice how she was to you since she was on her phone

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