My partner just confessed to me he’s into pegging and I’m open to explore it but not sure how to go about it and I got quite surprised cause he’s always been the dominant one.. but now I guess he wants to be submissive?
Does pegging automatically goes with being submissive?
Would love to get some advices and tips from people experienced in the dynamic🙏🏼😈

  1. Instinctively I’d say it goes with being submissive, but it doesn’t have to. For example, pegging could be used as a form of orgasm denial, ie “You wear this and I will use it for my own sexual pleasure but you will not be touched in the process.” But that’s thinking a little outside the box.

    Whatever you do just remember the golden rule: If you think that’s enough lube, double it.

  2. Go to r/straightpegging Lots of good info there. And no, it doesn’t necessarily have to play into the dom/sub dynamic.

  3. A man making himself vulnerable doesn’t mean he’s gay or a submissive. Throw away your social conditioning and just give him the pleasure he requests just like you want the pleasure you like. It’s that simple. Not everything requires research but everything good requires communication between the two parties involved.

  4. Guy here, we’ve been into prostate play for almost two years and pegging more recently. I don’t feel more submissive, maybe a bit more vulnerable would be more accurate. It’s all sexual pleasure for me, maybe a bit more taboo but who cares, I get so much pleasure out of it it’s totally insane compared to just penile stimulation. Maybe I don’t feel submissive because we usually do a lot of anal play on my wife before she pegs me. My wife did tell me she feels great about having a penis hanging down there and being able to fuck me with it, she might be a little dom 😎

  5. Honestly never thought about it currently gf asked a few time eventually thought why not I love her. Best thing I’ve ever done shes came from doing it to me. If we split up though I could never ask anyone else to do it though would be to scared so he obviously trusts you and loves to ask you to do it.

  6. As a very dominant man, I do enjoy having my girls peg me every once in a while. They truly enjoy getting to experience a bit of domination, while for me it is less about submission and more about the pleasure of prostate action,. Many people think if a man enjoys pegging he must be gay/bi and submissive. That is quite wrong. For many of us it is simply yet another way to feel sexual pleasure and for me the prostate/anal orgasms I receive when being pegged are often stronger and longer than those I receive from sex involving my penis.

    It is of course quite possible that your partner wants to be submissive and then just enjoy the switch from being the submissive one. The best way to find out is to both discuss this in more detail with him before you peg him and of course also by experimenting what he likes when you are pegging him. Good communication is always important during pegging, like with other aspects of sex.

    I agree with comments from others about the good resources. r/straightpegging is a good resource and we also recommend listening to podcasts about pegging since they give you a good insight into some of the techniques, toys, and positions that work the best.

    Feel free to ask us anything else you would like to know and we hope you will enjoy exploring this amazing part of sex – pegging.

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