went out once with a guy. hung out for a few hours. he’s been texting every day, asking to ft, and i relented and agreed to come see him later next week. i can already feel myself dreading it, but he seems really sincere and kind, so i don’t want to hurt his feelings. is it more fair/kind to follow through and try giving him more of a chance, or is it more kind to just listen to my gut in this moment and cut things off before they go any further. i know how i’d want to be treated in this situation, but idk if it would be that different for a guy.

update: i just let him down as gently as i could and his response let me know i made the right call. folks, listen to your gut !

  1. One is more kind to him, and one is more kind to yourself lol. Probably listen to your gut that you arent super interested in him.

  2. Ahhh the age old question! I don’t know. I feel I give men too many chances as it is- and I’m always disappointed for one reason or another and kick myself for having been so nice

  3. Cut it off. You don’t wanna waste his time or yours, and that’s what you’re doing. He’s not gonna be any less hurt if he thinks you’re really into him only to find out you never were

  4. I have been told to give someone at least 3 chances. First impressions can be misconstrued because of anxiety,excitement. You could lose a very amazing guy listening to your gut sometimes it is wrong and you could mess up a chance of having the most amazing person. True love and I feel relationships are not made from our first impressions but by really getting to know that person their wants their dreams their fears. Just don’t lead him on. You could maybe mention your doubts just be honest and real.

  5. I would much rather get shot in the head than freeze to death for weeks in the cold. So yeah it’s better to do it as soon as you aren’t feeling it.

  6. If you’re really dreading it, just let him go. You should be at least a bit excited or curious to meet someone, especially in the beginning stages of dating.

  7. Well u already agreed to it so go on the 2nd date and just see. If ur not feeling it then after the date let him know.

  8. There is so little information in this post about what it is you do/don’t like about the guy that anyone giving you advice here should take it with a grain of salt.

    Then you say he got upset when a woman he likes rejected him?

  9. It’s always better to give something a chance because if you don’t ask the answer is always no. And somebody you think is just the greatest god-giver person to the world the first time you made them you may find out is a real a******. So give the four guy a chance.

  10. Honestly I would have gave the guy a chance. If you don’t give people a chance. The chances are you are going to waste your time trying to find someone, you never will find.

    This is part on why there’s soo many singles and bad relationships, or worse settling. Affection isn’t instant.

    But idk how long you have been seeing this guy so. lol

  11. Communicate your feelings. If they feel the same things will they’ll work on the relationship together.

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