Is she playing games

I went on 3 dates with a girl from hinge and no sex.

First date we went for a drink after work. I had boxing later so I left within an hour. We kissed.

Second date we went to an Italian and I left my wallet in the car and she offered to pay.

Third date I cooked for her at home. We were making out for long, feeling each other and she was moaning a lot. But she didn’t let me have sex with her. She told me she wants to make sure we are on the same page. She asked me what do I want with her. I told her that I’m very interested in her, I wanna get to know her more and keep seeing each other.

She never initiates contact. I am always the one initiating to meet up but she always meets.

I like this girl a lot. What should I do for the next date? I was thinking of not texting her for two weeks to see if she would initiate contact.

  1. Not having sex on the third date is not weird. It happens, but it’s totally normal for it not to happen as well. Just keep doing what you are doing and it will probably happen. Don’t try cutting off contact, that doesn’t seem like a good idea.

  2. What you are describing is a normal, healthy progression of a relationship.

    She doesn’t owe you sex and her saying she isn’t ready yet is 10000% valid.

    What is your rush?

    Don’t start playing games with her like not calling to try to see if she’ll initiate. All that’s going to do is tell her you’re not reliable and not that interested and she’ll know you’re not the one for her.

    She wants to keep getting to know you. She wants to be comfortable with you and trust you before she fucks you. Is that really so hard to understand? If you’re not concerned with her comfort level, or you’re actually not someone she should trust because you just want to get your dick wet, then by all means, cut contact and stay away from her. But if you actually like this girl and want to have a relationship with her, then keep seeing her and building that relationship.

    It’s funny that you think she’s playing. YOU are the one playing here.

  3. Text her “let me know when you’d like to meet up next.” Or ask her why she doesn’t initiate

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