Why not everyone pay for what they personally ordered so no one is paying for more or less than they had?

  1. I think this is a regional thing. Here it’s 100% standard for everyone to pay for what they ate/drank.

  2. Splitting the bill is pretty rare.

    >no one is paying for more or less than they had?

    You’re seeing it on TV because its used as a plot device to show that somebody is being treated unfairly.

  3. I’ve been in some situations where people wanted to split evenly, but mostly it’s pay what you ordered.

  4. I think it’s probably age and income based. We’re in our 30s and make a very good living, as do most of our friends. We always split evenly because it doesn’t make a difference and it’s easier. Or one person will pick up the entire thing and the others will Venmo them.

    When we were younger and had a lot less money, we might have been more careful about paying for our own stuff.

  5. It just depends. Usually people pay for what they are in my experience. Nowadays with Venmo that is dead simple. Most restaurants can easily do it unless there were shared appetizers or whatever.

    On dates it is common for the man to pay but even that tradition is changing.

  6. I have not seen it happen unless they ordered a meal to share. Some people will order a medium or large pizza and split the cost, for example.

  7. Among my friends it’s common to pay for what you ordered. I’ve only been out to eat once where people split the bill evenly, that was because we ordered a bunch of appetizers and wine to share.

  8. If I’m going out to eat with friends or family, we always split the bill, unless it’s someone’s birthday or something. This has never been discussed among us, it just comes naturally. Maybe because it’s easier.

  9. I think people say they’re going to split the bill, but split it up by person, so each pays for what they got

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