Guys, how to spot a Jada Pinkett Smith before its too late?

  1. There’s no need to spot them. JPS doesn’t make any apologies for who she is. She’s a self-centered egotist. Will just didn’t mind that because in Hollywood being a self-centered egotist is the norm.

    A simple conversation about almost anything would reveal who people like this are.

  2. Usually a chick who actually believes “she is the prize” and that therefor means she can do whatever the fuck she wants and expects to have full control over the guy(s) she is with.

    Usually one of the first signs of that is when you start picking up an entitled attituded from the chick.

  3. Narcissistic attitude, lack of focused attention and affection, coercive behaviour and abusive and controlling tendencies. It’s not difficult my dude. Women like that that are ten a penny, can see them a mile off.

  4. I’m out of the loop. What did she do? I know about the whole Will Smith slap thing, but I didn’t know JPS was also being looked at for being toxic.

    At first, I thought this was a question about alopecia.

  5. If she doesn’t respect your boundaries early on it will not improve with time.

  6. It’s honestly just as much about your own behavior. Are you someone that puts up with bull shit? Hopefully no and then don’t worry about it.

    When people fuck with you curb them

  7. Here’s the thing, man. Sometimes, you won’t.

    As much as this sucks, if you fall in with the type, one of a couple things may have happened.

    She could’ve hidden herself really well.

    You could’ve convinced yourself that- in some way, some crucial aspect or set thereof- this person will become “better”, or will one day again be like the person you met.

    They could’ve preyed on you because they sensed you have low self-esteem.

    As well, some of it could be on you. This is absolutely not a knock on men having a hard time, who had hard upbringings or who’ve been knocked on the ass by life again and again; I’m really typing this with some empathy and love:

    if you were better-adjusted and wiser in the first place, you wouldn’t end up with a JPS in the first place.

    One bad note ruins the symphony and the rest of the piece will end up off-kilter. If you come from a background that’s left you socially or emotionally stunted, traumatized, or just plain left you without a sense of what a healthy relationship is, you’re more likely to bump into and get entangled with this kind of woman.

    There’s this insidious interplay between the effects of the guy’s upbringing on him, paired with his experiences dating/trying to date, mingling with the dysfunctions, beliefs, and intentions of this kind of woman. It’s not a fun situation to be stuck in, and I believe the majority of men do not engage these kinds of relationships purposively.

    You’re asking, “how do I avoid landmines?” The only sure way is to avoid even walking on the road. After leaving my ex last year I decided that in light of how much was lifted off my shoulders once I walked away from her, that was the best option for me.

    Don’t assume it is for you- but then, tread carefully. If it was easy to spot mines we wouldn’t have so many stories on this sub of guys getting blown up (so to speak)

  8. I’d do a bit of reading about Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) if I were you, and maybe ask some questions on the related Reddit groups.

    I have had a partner with BPD and it was destructive beyond my previous ability to understand how someone could tear someone down without physical violence. If you have specific concerns and don’t want to discuss them here, you are welcome to DM me and we can discuss it.

  9. Funny to watch Will Smith initially laugh, then go off the rails after she must have given him the evil eye!!

  10. “if you can’t handle me at worst, you can’t have me at my best”

    Translation: I will unapologetically be insufferable at all times, and insist on never being held accountable.

  11. The best way to spot a Jada Pinkett Smith is to check the mirror. If you are a Will Smith you will never see Jada Pinkett Smith coming unless you first check yourself. It takes a receptor to complete what we are referring to as a Jada Pinkett Smith

  12. If she acts like she’s the empress of the universe. Heavy on the radical feminist values

  13. I’m confused. I though he banged other girls and she banged other dudes. They can bang whoever on the side, and still come home to each other. Isn’t that a win win? What’s the problem?

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