What is it like dating someone widely considered to be extremely attractive?

  1. Stressful at first. For the fist six months or so it drove me crazy how many guys were hitting in her, sliding into her DMs, etc. but I played it cool, didn’t act jealous (although I did have to “step up” a few times to insistent dudes who were bothering her), and finally things kind of clicked. It sunk in that had she chosen me and I let that become a source of confidence rather than insecurity. And to be honest I get a kick out of the attention she gets now (and that I get alongside her) because mostly people just enjoy seeing a happy, attractive person.

  2. There are a few things that are different about dating someone who is considered to be extremely attractive. For one, you may find yourself constantly comparing yourself to them. You may also feel like you have to live up to their level of attractiveness, which can be a lot of pressure. Additionally, people who are considered to be extremely attractive often get a lot of attention from others, so you may have to deal with jealousy or insecurity.

  3. The same as any other dating, except that your partner will have a lot of unwanted attention from the opposite sex and sometimes from the same sex too.

    If you cannot trust your extremely attractive partner, then you might be in trouble. In most cases, your partner does not like to be constantly hit on and might feel annoyed or embarrassed in front of you. So if you cannot control your own emotions and become jealous, it can really damage your relationship to the point of your extremely attractive partner leaving you.

    So in the end, it comes down to your own ability to filter out unnecessary jealousy because there is no way your partner can do anything about them being hyper attractive.

  4. Annoying. Constant validation. Second one i married had kid with tgan she divorced me for greener pastors after taking everything i own.

  5. Annoying.
    If your not being hassled by the 5th guy this week who decided to get aggro after their fragile egos got busted, then you’re having your private time constantly interrupted.
    On the plus side, it does help you weed out who your real friends are by if they try to hit on her or not.

  6. Idk about widely considered but I dated someone who got her fair share of male attention. It was never a problem until she started to entertain it

  7. My second gf was basically a model and she was also way taller than, i think the attention we got was very annoying, also the guys trying to “steal” her from me

  8. If you’re not established and confidant? It can be difficult. Otherwise it’s great.

  9. The major problem comes down to what that constant validation/attention does to a person’s psyche.

  10. It’s fine, I guess. At first, her looks are the most important thing, but, as my grandmother told me when I was young, “eventually you have to get out of bed so she better be able to hold a conversation or it won’t work.”

    The only downside, and it is quite minor, is when my buddies say things like “she could be with any guy, why would she choose you?”

  11. Its really fucking annoying. I’m actually in constant vigilance that i might get into a fight when we go out.

    She’s french Australian. Im Chinese American. We met when we both worked for the same company in Paris. So we’re interracial.

    We were actually perfectly fine in Paris. People didn’t really bother us.

    But when we moved back to NY/US?

    The number of times guys have hit on her and called me racial slurs is way too high…

    Its really tiring.

    Literally she got hit on on our way home tonight… Literally crossing the street in the crosswalk and somebody honked. Its constant. It’s annoying.

    Like I wanna say it doesn’t affect me/us. But obviously you can’t just ignore it as its constant.

    And yes, I’ve gotten into multiple fist fights. I think we would get harassed even more if I weren’t a bigger dude. If I was smaller, I’m POSITIVE people would try to fuck with me even more

  12. It depends on how that person deals with his/her attractiveness.

    I had to deal with women who wanted constant validation and that is tiring.

    On the other hand, I know a attractive girl (she practice athletiscm) but she is too shy to talk to me.

  13. Amusing, to say the least. Can definitely run into confrontations on a night out drinking. People compare you and them, and start popping their shit. It is definitely an ego booster. It does have it’s downsides in the beginning. For me, it was making my insecurities run rampant with thoughts of “what does she even see in me?”, “She can totally do better.”. Not to mention, the insane amount of IG comments they receive. All insecurity fuel. I was able to work on it, and began to let everything roll off of my shoulders and life became 100x more enjoyable. They picked you for a reason type deal.

  14. Annoying, and gets tiring very quickly. (I dated an actress from a *verrrrry* popular teen drama in the early 00s)

    What I have no interest in ever dealing with again is the attention and aggressiveness from guys. They think they’re some better option and more deserving, will constantly question why they’re with you, but will also feel that they can ‘win’ them from you in some way, often by being aggressive or threatening towards you. Unfortunately, meathead guys think that violence is attractive.

    Also (I’ve seen this more in others than my experience), a lot of the time they’re attractive and they know it, and they’ll use that to some degree of entitlement or like they deserve or can do better than something they have or is on offer, based on other other than that they’re attractive. Their friends will also try to reinforce this idea to them or convince them of this, even if they have the personality of a wet towel.

  15. It’s awesome. But Kind of weird when your friends ask how you pulled it off to be with someone so hot. It’s kind of a compliment and and insult at the same time.

  16. The most annoying thing was that anytime I talked to any wait person, sales person, etc., male or female; they always looked to and answered her.

  17. True story from the 80s.

    Some great comments above and all correct about hassle! Here’s one that will make you laugh. I had and still have an extremely attractive sister. We have always done our own thing socially but are close (ish) away from that.

    One evening, a long time ago, I’m in the pub (we were young 18/19) and lots of people in there. For some strange reason my sister was in the same pub and knew most people but one of the local hard men didn’t know she was my sister.

    The guy says to me something about my sister, and I say “that’s my sister” not expecting anything bad to be said. He then proceeds to call me out in the pub loudly. I mean properly call me out for it, like I’ve tried to use her for my own elevation of street credibility. Which I had not.

    My sister is very well known in the area and the people she mixed with at the time were not to be played with. It’s a long story that side but my sister was and is still an alpha female.

    Anyway this guy continues to get louder and louder and really is going for the big embarrassing bit now. I asked him to stop or it would get messy and he thought I meant me. So he says to my sister something like “this pussy only thinks you are his sister”.

    The pub by now is amazingly quiet because of who he supposedly is, like you know something bad is going to happen; and in seconds my sister just calmly shuts him down and the guy shrinks away like he’s just seen a ghost. He drank his drink and left.

    What she said was more detailed but this is not a Hollywood film. From that day on he would always try to talk to me like I was suddenly somebody to be friends with it. I just ignored him most of the time. 30 years later I traveled back home one weekend and went to collect some food for my mum and he was slumped in the restaurant , on a table on his own, drunk and sick waiting for a take away. How the mighty fall.

  18. She was very aware of her looks, they got her everywhere and still do. 6ft stunning curly blonde model. Never wore makeup. Totally perfect skin. Was a total narcissist. Was not worth it. Looks of an angel and soul of the devil.

  19. I dated a girl who was the “Miss…” Of her country and did modelling often professionally. It was strange, she didn’t eat the night before shoots and people were weird around her. We were out for dinner once and the manager started trying to get her number under the false pretence of being an estate agent about an hour later we were still together and she gets a text saying “You’re so beautiful, you look like a model”. Lots of weird interactions like that. Had very controlled lines of communication, didn’t use anything like WhatsApp or Telegram beyond business because people always tried to contact her there. She locked down messenger and used that primarily. There was just a lot of her life that involved keeping people at bay. She was great to be honest though, didn’t work out but she was nice.

  20. Dated a model in college. As tall as me (5ft 10), taller on heels. Looked like photoshopped in real life. Not exaggerating. Turned heads everywhere. Also she had the most perfect lips I’ve ever seen and felt. Making out with her was addicting.

    She herself was a sweetheart. She liked me as a person and was a great person herself, but so used to only be valued for her looks that she used them to lock me down and control me so I wouldn’t end up leaving and hurting her. And by God … she was good at doing that!

    What annoyed me was how every guy we walked past either hated me or wanted to kiss my ass. And going our with her usually resulted in service people (store clerks, waitresses etc.) treating me extremely well. Which begged the question of why they didn’t do that before.

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