what should you do if you have no purpose in life and don’t enjoy anything?

  1. Clearly I must be taking shit so I need to get off that, start with small victories such a set out a goal to work out and follow through with it, try random shit and see what I like and go from there

  2. Adopt a responsibility.

    Get a different doctor/meds/therapist because what they’re doing for you isn’t working.

  3. Just do some things. Even if they seem boring at first. If you look at it objectively, maybe everything is boring and we should just do nothing, but what life is that. So make fun out of things that aren’t necessarily that fun?

  4. Change your environment bro. Ever since getting out of a corporate job and getting into jobs that were more fulfilling I’ve had a major boost to my mental health.

    Enlisting improved my mental health as I got to see the direct impact I had on my team and how much I was valued in my shop. Military sucks overall tho.

    Becoming a merchant seaman was great for my mental health, I dropped weight and stopped having suicidal thoughts. Being able to physically see the impact my work was having on my workplace and how much work I was getting accomplished really helped. Having my room, food, and board covered reduced my financial stress and the time off to explore and just travel really helped me greatly.

  5. This sounds crazy but im here too and heres whats helped.

    Masturbate less, but still masturbate. Really enjoy it WHEN you do it. And no more than once every other day or so.

    Eat better, whole foods. Especially vegetables and protiens. After about a month it really changes how u feel mentally and otherwise.

    Exercise, at least walk for 15 mins a day. I prefer dusk but whenevrr works for you.

    Take time to veg. Literally watch youtube or something for an hour and just zone out on it. Check out from the rest of your life. Meditation is also a good option for this block of time but not everyone takes ot seriously so it wont work for them.

    Find you a hobby u at least MILDLY enjoy. It doesnt need to be some prolific “rest of my life” hobby. Just find something that can fill those few hours a week you have nothing else to do but be bored and sad.

    Be more social, even though u dont want to. Go over to that friends house for a couple hours. Go grab that drink. And be social while ur being social. Be there with thise ppl and not in ur mind.

    And lastly, get to seeing a therapist at least once a week.

  6. A menial job that makes a lot of money.
    Volunteer and explicitly do philanthropic work.

  7. Try new things until you find something you enjoy or gives you purpose. Don’t hurt anyone along the way.

  8. Don’t take fucking antidepressants and expect to have purpose, It numbs you.. that uncomfortable feeling is supposed to be motivation to get you moving to get out of your crappy situation, The pills just make you more comfortable in your shitty circumstances

  9. Join a trade or something that will make you good money. You might not enjoy it at first but it will give you a purpose and success will follow.

  10. Short term:

    1. Go make an appointment with a massage therapist. After an hour on the table, you will feel a lot better.

    2. You’re in a rut. Take a few days off from work, book a nice room in a city you’ve always wanted to visit, and go experience everything they have to offer. See the sights, sample the local cuisine, make memories. Leave your laptop at home.

    Long term:

    3. When you get back home, set a goal. It doesn’t have to be huge. Focus on achieving that goal. Give yourself positive feedback every time you complete a step on the path towards achieving that goal, like filling in the paper thermometer hanging on your refrigerator or treating yourself to a nice meal at a restaurant you don’t normally visit. Once you have achieved that goal, reward yourself and be proud that you have accomplished your goal. Then set another goal and repeat.

    4. Do a thorough self-examination (without being critical of yourself), and get rid of any self-destructive habits you may have developed. You may need to see a different therapist, they can help you with this. No more negative self-talk, no more drugs, no more drinking to excess. Limit your screen time outside of work. Find something you care about and devote a few hours a week towards it.

  11. Explore. Find your purpose. Find what you enjoy. You’ll never find what gives you vigor unless you search for it.

  12. Honestly man in my past experience I was just like you

    After a suicide attempt and lots of drugs and partying I was ready to stop living, but I realized I didn’t want to die. I actually only wanted a part of me to die, this version of myself had to go. After a night of staring at the ceiling I thought to myself who is the man I want to be? So then I set out to do just that. Quite literally I cut off most of my friends since they enabled my party lifestyle. Haven’t drank since but occasionally smoke weed. Working 6 days a week and joined an MMA gym, grew my hair out all that good stuff. You’re not happy with yourself, I guarantee if you get a fresh start and do something new to reinvent yourself you’ll feel much better. Regardless if you have the energy to do so or not

  13. Fall in love. Not joking. Love transforms. Just note that it may take some time before it happens, but it only will while you put yourself out there.

    Not just love for a person, either. Love for a hobby as well. Seek both.

  14. Therapy and soul searching. Finding new hobbies sucks nowadays because money, but not all hobbies involve hundreds of dollars. Try taking a little class on something that seems like a quality waste of time for some social time.

    I know how bad this can be. I’m currently struggling because I have no motivation to do anything and so I’m living in stagnation. I just have to force myself to get out here and there.

  15. Make your purpose/focus helping others. You will feel better, and think about it, if you don’t, others will because of your actions.

  16. Work out. Get jacked. Eat good. Take vitamins (especially B12). Let the sun soak into your skin. Drink at least half a gallon of water. Stop drinking in excess. Stop doing drugs (yes weed too). Listen to music that makes you feel good. These are the main things that brought me out of my hole, everyone is different so do what works for you.

  17. Do things you would’ve never thought of doing, and do them.

    Test yourself

    Push yourself.

    There’s always something for somebody

  18. Google, A Course In Miracles

    It saved my life and helped me understand my place in this life.

  19. First off have your testosterone levels checked, could be something as simple as that. If your testosterone is fine talk to a therapist. Sometimes hearing your self talk to and answering questions to a therapist can give you insight to what you are missing. It also makes a difference if you are 20 years old and feel lost versus being 40 and having a midlife crisis.

  20. We all have purpose in life. I was almost suicidal. I felt life let me down. I went and volunteered at a food bank ,about 6mos, and realized these people would be more than happy to switch places. Maybe you should give the gift of time and recognize the joy you bring

  21. Not even being sarcastic, but literally find a purpose and something to enjoy. U can write ur own destiny friend.

  22. I know it’ll only do so much, but something I’ve tried that’s helped get me out of a depressed/anxious “moment”, has been following pages on facebook that I find interesting, or even might find interesting. I occasionally like to scroll through stuff like “architecture porn”, just to wind down by looking at visually appealing buildings.

    Or I follow some hobby sites like some Antique collectors’ related pages such as “78rpm Vinyl Fans”, or “Reed Organ Technicians”, or “Historical Pictures”. I find lots of that kinda stuff interesting, but you might not. We’re all different, you just have to find what interests you.

    You might have to explore things you might think you won’t like, but it’s trial and error. I never knew I’d like volley-ball until I forced myself into a drop-in volley-ball group at my local convenience centre.

    Also when you’re in the midst of a depression or anxiety episode, you’ll feel like you don’t want to do anything, go anywhere, and you might not find anything interesting. It will be very difficult to make the first steps to getting out of it, but you just gotta push through it and take it one step at a time. Some of the most enjoyable moments of the past few years, for me have come from things I’ve “signed myself up” for, thinking I wouldn’t like it, but I turn out to have a great time. Things like “billiards”, or “volley-ball”, or restoring antiques.

    Also, trying to learn an instrument, and committing to learning it, can give you a major confidence boost, being able to go to social events or public places and have musical talent to show-off. Also playing an instrument can be quite relaxing too. It might be something to try later on, because it can seem pretty daunting trying to learn it when you’re at a low point in a depression attack.

    I know I kinda rambled, but I’m just throwing out ideas based on some things that have helped keep me (somewhat) sane, through all the bullshit that sever anxiety/depression throws at me.

  23. Start doing things even if you don’t enjoy them.

    Change things up. Don’t just repeat your regular cycle which you used to enjoy and now don’t. Try something you have never done before. Also, start small, don’t set big goals for yourself. A good goal is “I will try X activity for 15 minutes”. Then if that 15 min is up, see if you feel like continuing or not. If not then no biggie, try again next time, with the same activity or something new. Exercise is a good idea. Try different kinds of sports until you find one that sucks the least for you. Dancing is my personal favourite suggestion. There are many different styles, some need you to dance with other people, others you can do alone. There are benefits to both. If you are one of the more extraverted people then I suggest social dancing. Dancing is one of the miracle activities that simultaneously stimulate our minds and our bodies. Social dancing will add the additional benefit of connecting with other humans on top of that. Though solo dancing can do that as well if your dance group is nice and socially active. If you are introverted then there is no reason to shy away from dancing. It is not only for the crazy party people. Like I said, there are dozens of different styles to choose from. If one class doesn’t fit you, try another. There are classes for all sexes and ages. Some for middle-aged people just trying to stay fit or get out of the house a bit, some for serious dancers aiming for tournaments and professional achievements.


    Another thing that works for a lot of people might be taking on responsibility. Something that you have to do. Like taking care of something or someone. You have some serious depression, so taking care of someone living, like a pet, is probably not a good idea but maybe try a plant or a few of them (technically also living but you get what I mean). You need to learn something new, you need to have some sort of a routine and you have a purpose, even if it is very tiny, but it is going to be your purpose alone. You are the only thing that is going to stop the plants from dying. Also, some people claim it is a real thing that hanging out around plants is something of a mood and health booster.

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