Women who WFH, how do you feel about dressing up for work? Do you work in your PJs and love the no-bra life or do you feel dressing up makes you more productive?

  1. There is no way in hell I’m dressing up when I’m at home and don’t have to see a single person. I don’t sit around in my sleepwear either, but I will just keep my everyday lounge clothes on. No, it doesn’t affect my productivity or motivation.

  2. I work in sweats or leggings and a tshirt or sweater/sweatshirt. My clothes have zero impact on my productivity.

  3. Love this question! So I am in the office once a week which I dress up a bit, makeup on etc which does make me feel more energetic/ feel good for the day. When I’m wfh I look like a mess, most days! šŸ¤£ I usually wear joggers and a warm jumper with no bra lol, hair up, glasses on but yes when I do get ready properly for the day I do feel more productive šŸ’Æ! I love wfh though, I wouldn’t change going back 5 days a week.

  4. I start work early in my PJs with a coffee in hand. After I clear the morning issues and status meetings, I get dressed. Casual, basic make up, warm socks. I feel more focused this way.

  5. I don’t have a web cam so it’s nightgowns and hair in a bun for me, nobody can see what I look like so I can live that house goblin life in peace.

  6. i generally go for a run and work out first thing in the morning, then shower. getting back into PJs would be silly, so i put on whatever clothes i’d normally wear out of the house.

    it’s not a suit, but i wouldn’t be caught dead in athleisure or in my lounge clothes out in public, so it’s a good balance.

  7. Depends on my day, professional up top usually and comfy below, if it’s a rare day with no teamtalks etc then just comfy/ chilled. Either way I dress I am still a productive bunny.

  8. Depends on what I have to do for the day. Got meetings that the camera has to be on? I put on normal office clothes. No meetings? Maybe some leggings with a nice top just in case I have an unexpected meeting with a supervisor or team members.

  9. I dress for comfort when working from home but still make sure I’m presentable in case of video meetings. I only dress up in my full professional gear if I’m meeting in person for some reason. Otherwise, it’s comfortable casual with zoom-appropriate options immediately available.

    Being dressed up does not have any impact on my productivity, so it’s a waste of effort for me unless I need to be visible to a client for an official meeting.

  10. Working in comfortable clothing definitely improves my productivity. Dressing up is a distraction.

  11. I hop up every morning, shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and wear nice bike shorts and top. That way I’m ready for anything. If I decide to go out I can toss on some makeup and maybe change clothes in a few minutes. Not only that but I feel better when I think I look nice

  12. Iā€™m chronically ill so comfort is a big priority for me for health reasons, but sometimes I lean more toward cute-comfy than just comfy ā€“ e.g. a modal dress with earrings and red lipstick. And if Iā€™m doing some kind of livestream or online group event etc., Iā€™ll typically dress up a little for that. But most of the time Iā€™m just in PJs or a T-shirt and underwear.

  13. I generally wear hard pants and an ‘acceptable for video calls’ shirt while WFH, it does make me feel like “now is the working time.”

    But no bras. That is where I draw the line. Just make sure the Webcam is angled collarbone and up and we are good to go.

  14. I wear sweatpants/ yoga pants and tshirts all the time and only put a bra on when I go walk the dog at lunch time. I refuse to be uncomfortable all day if I donā€™t have to.

  15. I always shower first thing when I get up for work so by default I donā€™t stay in my PJs, but I usually just wear a shirt and leggings to stay comfy.

  16. Iā€™ll usually work in comfy clothes unless I have a zoom call with someone outside of my org. But I will make sure to change into new comfy clothes in the morning, because even the act of putting on fresh pjs makes me feel productive.

  17. I donā€™t ā€œdress upā€ persay, but I do get up, put real clothes on, wash face, or shower. Oh aalso my boobs are too big to go braless all day without back pain. But anyways, yeah it helps me feel more productive

  18. I usually have at least one meeting during the day where I have my camera on, so I do put work appropriate clothes on. Weā€™re *very* casual. But I do at least like to put a bra on.

    I do wear sweatpants most days, though.

    I donā€™t feel like dressing up would affect my productivity one way or another.

  19. I get up and get dressed, even if I have no plans to go anywhere. I also work at my desk all day (no bed or couch) I have to feel like i am “at work” and ready for the day. I also do a lot of video calls throughout my day so the top half of me definitely needs to look presentable.

  20. Im business from the waist up and comfies from the waist down… hair clean, face Zoom ready but I wear very minimal anything anyways… I never know when someone will video call me haha but yes I might wear a dark sweater or even a plain hoodie, but my leggings have monkeys on them hahaha

  21. I can’t work in PJs or witbout a bra. I’ve noticed in impacts my mood a lot of if I do. But I will stick to loose pants/leggings, and semi-professional tops and sweaters with bralettes.

  22. not working, but online classes that are law related so we have to dress in formal. i love just wearing a bit of on oversized polo with no bra on and only panty. it helps me feel more comfy thus, productive and argue/debate better hahaa

  23. PJs. comfy home clothes make everything better. I can sin on my chair barefoot, with my heel stuck between my legs, putting my chin on my other knee, and my waist not feeling pressure from the tight belt.

  24. God no, I haven’t worn proper clothes for working for two and a half years now. Mostly I’m just wearing some random shirt. Now that it’s starting to get colder I’m draped in blankets, in the summer when it was really hot I just wore nothing but underpants a lot of the time.

  25. Iā€™ve been WFH for 4 years. I am very lucky to say, in those 4 years Iā€™ve had my camera on once, and it was optional for a training, so that may make a difference for some

    I do not get dressed up. I generally wear leggings, a long sleeve (depending on the season), or a T-shirt and hoodie, summer itā€™s shorts, none of this makes me more productive or less productive compared to dressing up.

    Having a clean workspace helps.

    My motivation on the other hand..::depends on the day

  26. Depends on the day for me. Some days I wake up and am just in the mood to put on jeans and a top and maybe use some eyebrow gel and lip gloss. Other days I am not in that mood and throw on sweatpants and a crewneck.

    I had a very casual dress code when I did work in the office (leggings, joggers, hoodies all acceptable – tech startup in a coworking space). So my approach hasn’t really changed much. Some days I dress “up” more than others.

  27. My wfh wardrobe is a chaotic mix of cute comfy fits like soft sweaters and leggings and wearing a sweaty bathrobe with matted hair for the full 8 hours.

    No one gets me on camera without a weekā€™s notice.

  28. ā€œšŸ¤ššŸ¾I will take bra-less and comfortable for $200 Alexā€

    Guuuuurl, nobody getting dressed over herešŸ˜‚. I canā€™t tell you how many times I have been at the office with my shoes off under the desk, with a un-hooked Bra, and wishing I couldā€™ve just been home in the bed. AND NOW I can ACTUALLY be at home working , šŸ„³šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ¤øšŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦. Chiiiiiild pAleeeeseā€¦ it will take nothing less than the promise of a streak dinner and a night on the town, to get me out these Muk Luks šŸ§¦šŸ˜œ

  29. I used to work in sweats and ts and whatever is more comfy. But I stopped doing that because since I spend most of my time home this isnā€™t helping me.

    I donā€™t feel good, donā€™t feel nice. I started to wear relaxed trousers (linen, or flowvy) a decent top and get ready every morning. I feel so happy and fresh and I wouldnā€™t give it up for anything.

  30. I am a hybrid worker and my clothing does not effect productivity for me. Keeping a set schedule does for me though

  31. I donā€™t dress up to WFH, thatā€™s a giant waste of my time. I put on loungewear if Iā€™m not leaving the house.

  32. I started WFH last year. When I first started working from home I planned on dressing up and doing my makeup because we were told we we to have our cameras on for all meetings. After a couple of months, that rule no longer applied so I typically wear jeans and a T-shirt or workout clothes. I see no difference in my productivity. In fact itā€™s probably increases because Iā€™m more comfortable.

  33. Iā€™ve been working from home for more than 10 years. Iā€™ve found that I have to get dressed every day. Not in business casual clothes, but I definitely change out of my pajamas. I comb my hair and brush my teeth. I only put on makeup if I have conference call where someone will see me. Mentally, I need the change to mark that I am starting my day.

    In the last few years, Iā€™ve paired down my closet to only clothes that I feel comfortable in, which has improved my life overall. Today, for example, Iā€™m wearing a pretty, striped, loose, off the shoulder top with stretchy jeans.

  34. What I wear doesnā€™t really affect my productivity unless the clothes are uncomfortable. I wear leggings/yoga pants and usually sweaters or a flannel with a sweater nearby, warm socks and fuzzy slippers. All my old ā€˜officeā€™ clothes are hidden away in a closet in the basement.

    The only time I ā€˜dress upā€™ for work is maybe on Fridayā€™s. The team Iā€™m on does this thing they call ā€˜fashion Fridayā€™ that we do on our 1hr long (optional) social group call, no work talk allowed.

    Thereā€™s like a loose theme or whatever and if everyone remembers to dress to that we get to leave 30 minutes early lol itā€™s only happened a couple times that everyone remembers. Last week it was ā€œsweatersā€ this Friday itā€™s wool. A few weeks ago it was polka dots, stuff like that. Someone just picks a random colour or a pattern w/e.

    My only dress code rule I have for myself is not to wear pajamas Iā€™ve just slept in. I always wash my face and get changed in the morning even if itā€™s just into different comfy lounge wear.

  35. I put on a nicer top when I have meetings but until my first meeting Iā€™m generally in whatever I found first that morning. It doesnā€™t effect my productivity but I work in a conservative industry so a decent top is helpful.

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