I’m not asking for personal reasons. I’m curious for writing reasons. Most resources I can find online are about AMAB people who are HIV+.

I’m confused about certain stuff I’ve read online.

– Are dental dams necessary or are they optional if your viral load is low? Looking in lesbian spaces, no one uses dams and the few anecdotes I can find on them are negative.
– What about gloves?
– Do partners need to PrEP or is it precautionary?

1 comment
  1. You would definitely want to use a dental dam with an HIV+ partner and/or take PrEP.

    Gloves are overkill unless you have open cuts (cat scratches/papercuts) on your fingers or they on theirs.

    People who are HIV+ already should not take PrEP as it can make treatment worse. PrEP is meant for those who do not have HIV to protect themselves from transfer of HIV from a positive partner.

    A little overview on the benefits of PrEP:

    “No cases of this kind of transmission have been reported. PrEP stops HIV from reproducing in the body, so it can’t establish an infection and eventually dies. If your partner has sex with someone living with HIV with a detectable viral load, they will not pass on HIV to you.”

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