(Disclaimer we are over 18)

I didn’t really know where to ask, since it’s not really a relationship. I’m just thinking about how to approach a situation. Me and I guy I’ve known for a while (not well though) were talking at a party and both very drunk we ended up sharing some really deep stuff and had a lot in common and it was really therapeutic. We then ended up making out. I didn’t want it to feel like it was a big deal so I said that, I’m a private person. Anyway a lot of people ended up finding out I think because he either told them or people saw us. We’ve been back at school and he said hi to me the first day but other than that mainly ignored and idk why it hurt. It happened Friday and this was Monday. We talked on Snapchat until Monday and I’ve been left on delivered since. It’s Tuesday and we didn’t even talk or look at each other. We eat our lunches in a big group and he was there, we didn’t say anything to each other and he wasn’t really talking at all then he just got up and took his stuff and left. I’m just confused because we both said it didn’t have to be a big deal and stuff would get back to normal but this is weird and it’s taking a toll on me. Should I try and talk to him about it, I’m just afraid of being vulnerable I guess. What should I even say? “What is going on?” “Do you want me to leave you alone?”. I just need some advice and maybe a Pep talk. Feeling unwanted and embarrassed

  1. Just get him alone and talk to him…..tell him your sorry things are uncomfortable and your not sure what he wants you to do to make it better so you wanted to know what he needed from you to fix this.

  2. Soooo I was in a situation like this not too long ago. This is what I did:
    I texted the guy after him avoiding me and not responding to me, something that was out of the ordinary.
    Me: “Hey! I hope all is well. I don’t know if it’s in my head but I noticed you have been avoiding me and acting different. What happened last week could stay in the past, we can act like nothing happen. If I am making you feel uncomfortable or if there is something I did or said to make you uncomfortable, please let me know as that was not my intentions. I don’t want you to feel awkward and isolated.”

    Him: “Hey I’m sorry I did not realize I was acting that way. I have had a lot on my mind and my job is driving me crazy. I appreciate your concern but it’s nothing you did”.

    Me: “Im happy to hear there is no tension between us, but please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Even if you need a listening ear, I’ll try my best to help.”
    Him: “Thank you, I’ll let you know”.

    Things were still not back to normal but it was better than before. Whenever I saw him, I would say, Hey Chris! All cheery and normal but I kept walking. I didn’t force a conversation. That definitely helped. That’s my best advice.

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