Just for clarification, I’m talking about western beauty standards because depending on the culture they’re really different!

  1. Of course it changes all the time, I remember when it used to be “heroin chic” and now it’s “dummy thicc”.

  2. I hate that women’s bodies are just a beauty standard, a trend which changes every few years. I don’t keep up with any of that anymore cause I think it’s deeply harmful for us women both mentally and physically so I refuse to engage in any of that.

  3. I’ve no idea what today’s “standard” even is. It changes all the time so and I’ve no interest. I just focus on keeping myself fit and healthy.

  4. Idk. I’m a lesbian so I’m attracted to a certain type of woman. I don’t care about beauty standards.

    I like a cute face. Dark hair. Introverted and a bit shy. Modesty.

  5. I think that right now people are starting to realize skinny doesn’t equal fit or healthy.

    For me personally, my current goals are to be stronger, have toned muscles, and be more flexible.

  6. In my experience as an “elder millennial,” it feels like we have progressed since the ’90s, and curves of all sorts are gaining more admiration in the media and public eye. I witness increased praise for curvier hips, butts, and thighs. Yay! BUT, I think we’re still a little prejudiced against bellies. To me, this immediately sounds like I’m projecting my own insecurity. Maybe I am. But I just don’t feel like I encounter a lot of love for midsection rolls. I’d like to be proven wrong here. I just think I keep seeing beautiful, curvy models and celebrities being celebrated for their voluptuousness and then still not having any darned midsection fat.

  7. Actually not much has changed for the body standard. Slim will allways be more attractive. Puberty ridden boys will always like overly pronounced female chahracteristics.

    But the face standards have changed. Big fat eyebrows, extremely big lips and cheekbones are now in, compared to a decade ago where the opposite was liked (well except for the lips, the were big even then, but still looked natural). Also makeup is a lot more expensive now and the stlye of it is completely different, with pronounced cheekbones (again) and a sweaty look (highlights), which were both considered off-putting back in the day.

  8. here in colorado, yes, being fit, lean, athletic, and strong is definitely seen as the desirable standard among women. i don’t see that ever changing.

    being active is a big part of the culture, and i don’t mean “i take a few 30 minute walks a week” active.

  9. I think right now it’s curves tbh. But you have to have the “right” curves, ie breasts and hips/butt, but expected to have a flat stomach (lol)

    I don’t really pay attention to stuff though, because as far as I can tell it’s starting to be celebrating bodies of any type and shape. At least the people’s whose opinions I care about feel that way.

  10. In my opinion beauty standards shouldn’t exist because I really think that beauty comes in many forms

  11. I feel like it’s getting worse. Our current l beauty standards are so unachievable that dieting and cosmetic surgery are needed to reach them.

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