I’ve had a yeast infection for a while and just went to the doctor but they just told me it’d go away they didn’t tell me how to cure it or anything. Can someone tell me what to do.

  1. Is usually passes by itself but it might take a week or so. To speed it up a little make sure to never wash your v with anything else that just water and sleep without underwear. Use underwear that are able to “breathe” during daytime. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Wow your doctor sucks.

    You can go to a pharmacy and find over the counter creams to help clear it up. Pretty sure the pill is over the counter too (no prescription needed). Look for Monistat. If it’s not getting better in a couple days/lasts longer than a week go back to the doctor and ask for something stronger/more specific tests to be done. No reason to be uncomfortable with something that’s so easy to treat.

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