I [male] have had social anxiety for a while and I’ve found it hard to interact with people so I decided to move to a new school to put myself in an uncomfortable situation and make new friends and meet new people. So far I’ve managed to make friends and talk with lots of people but they’re all men. I’m still working on talking with more people or simply being more outgoing but for some reason I find it hard to do it or just think how to do it with girls. I feel like it would be weird to just say hi to a girl or approach her randomly because she might feel I’m interested in her romantically or that it’s just weird when I just want to expand my circle and have more friends from both genders. Any tips on how to also become outgoing with girls or eliminate this limiting belief that won’t allow me to approach or talk to girls?

1 comment
  1. I have about an equal amount of guy and girl friends, and always have. This is because I treat them quite exactly the same, I have the same mindset, while of course considering things of basic courtesy (e.g. not being as rough physically). How did you make friends with your male friends? Do that with girls who you’re interested in being friends with.

    And trust me, if you come at it from a genuinely Platonic angle, it will be picked up on, and it’s unlikely you’ll be perceived as trying to hit on anyone. School is a social environment, you’re not a creep for talking to people, and you won’t be perceived as one if you don’t act like one. If a girl *does* automatically assume you’re coming onto her, it won’t materialize in the moment, and it will dissipate as you talk more and show the natural signs of ‘not into you.’ It’s a misunderstanding entirely on her end, there’s nothing for you to worry about, the only person it could be embarrassing for would be her.

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