why unrequited love is so painful!?

  1. There is no one definitive answer to this question, but there are some possible explanations. One reason why unrequited love may be particularly painful is because it can lead to feelings of rejection and loneliness. When someone we care for does not reciprocate our feelings, it can be easy to feel as though we are not good enough or that we will never be able to find someone who loves us back. This can be especially difficult if we have invested a lot of time and energy into the relationship. Additionally, unrequited love can be frustrating because we often want something that we cannot have. This desire for something that we cannot have may intensify our emotions and make the pain even more severe.

  2. Because it’s like blue balls for your heart.

    If you have an unrequited love lasting 4 or more months, contact your physician.

  3. Cuz you can’t convince ppl to love you no matter what you do , it’s sad but it’s a reality that ppl need to understand , you aren’t the first choice (ppl just settle down with you that’s it )

  4. in my experience its because you’ve got this idealised version of them in your head that is perfect when in fact their just another human like you flaws and all but your blinded by your idealistic life with them

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