I’m a female,27 and my boyfriend (m. 29) has issues with erectiile dysfunction, also a porn addiction. When he’s drunk/argumentative he puts me down about how I give him head.

I’m very sexually experienced and have never received any complaints from men in my past about my ability. In fact, they’ve all seemed to enjoy it very much if ya know what I mean. I’ve been told I’m really great at it.

It feels like my boyfriend is just insecure and taking it out on me, but it makes me insecure when I go down on him sometimes. Not to mention, he sometimes goes soft.

Am I being sensitive for feeling this way?


  1. You’re not being overly sensitive at all. Constructive criticism is one thing. Purposely putting your partner down just for the sake of being mean to them is a whole other thing. It’s just cruel to continuously bring it up like this for no other reason than to make you feel bad.

  2. I’ve dated a porn addict & trust me when I say u don’t want to be in a relationship like that. You’ll never be enough for him and he’ll act like it’s your fault when it clearly isn’t lol. U deserve better

  3. Lol that loser is lucky he has someone willing to blow his soft dick. He’s talking trash to keep you feeling low about yourself. Kick his ass to the curb and find a real man who knows how to satisfy you, and appreciates you and all of your talents

  4. I mean he shouldn’t do it angrily, but he should be able to be honest about what he likes 🤷‍♀️ not every guy likes head the same, if he’s going soft as u give head ur not doing it right for him. So instead of getting upset I’d ask what would he like and what would please him and try to do that. See how u can improve, cuz ur not with all the other men who claimed you were great so it doesn’t matter.

  5. After looking at your post history why the fuck are you two even still together. Your relationship sounds toxic as fuck.

  6. __*Aw, HELL NO*__.

    Let him learn yoga and perform that act for himself.

    Constructive feedback is one thing (and can be incredibly hot) but insults aren’t acceptable.

    My cokehead ex used to blame me for his inability to perform (couldn’t have been the blow, booze, lack of sleep and shitty diet, right?) and because I was very young and naive, I believed him for a long time and it was seriously harmful.

    Please make this a dealbreaker. It sounds like you know better than to take it to heart but negativity can still eat at you. Get out and find someone who will properly appreciate your skills.

  7. Thank you all! <3 it’s nice to have some support and know it’s not all in my head

  8. It depends on what You think a insult is maybe is your partner giving constructive criticism or being mean (I would take him going soft as a sign )it doesn’t mean you’re bad at it or he wants to hurt your feelings it’s just his preference when it comes to oral might be different then ppl you e experienced previously I would take into consideration what he is saying and how it’s being said if he’s genuinely not getting satisfied find ways by having open conversations on what you could do better or how he likes it just because ppl before have praised you for it doesn’t mean it’s a home run for him

  9. Seeing your past posts you need to get a support group (family/close friend(s)) and get out of that relationship, yesterday.

  10. Girl I’d tell him at least my shit works. Ooooooh if he said that to me I would absolutely hurt his feelings and probably make him cry. Fuck him and that little dick

  11. It would be a deal breaker because he’s blaming you for a problem he’ll have whether you stay with him or not.

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