Have you ever fallen for a woman you originally didn’t get fireworks with? How did it work out?

  1. It happens but if at the end of the day you just don’t feel it, you just don’t feel it.

  2. Yes. I asked her out, she didn’t have similar feelings for me, and we’re still friends.

    For what it’s worth, those feelings I had for her went away when I started dating someone else.

  3. Personally, no, but I have seen it happen before with mates. It’s becoming more common the older we get

  4. I love my wife and she’s not really into fireworks at all. She hides inside and keeps the dogs calm.

  5. Yes I have, even though it didn’t work out. Any professional will tell you that love is not instantaneous and you have to build it. There is no spark, only your hormones playing with you. Don’t believe the films and please don’t let go of a woman just because you didn’t fall for her the second you saw her. Couples that build their love last longer than those who just go with the spark.

  6. She tricked me into falling for her then went very cold and cheated.

    Narcissists man. Don’t get tricked by Love Bombing

  7. I’m married to her. We met on vacation, but didn’t go out for about 6 months. 12 years later we have 2 kids and return to they place we meet whenever we can.

  8. I used to date bpd chicks. They’re very intense, the energy is addictive. But they’re horrible partners.

    I had to come to terms with the fact that healthy relationships have less of that kind of intensity. I was hooked on relationship heroin, a kind of hyperstimulation. It took me a while to adjust to, but I can’t believe how misguided I used to be.

    I used to be an addict, games, drugs, porn, sex with bpd chicks, etc. This was just another thing to get over on the path to health.

  9. I decided to be a part of the Dungeons and Dragons society when I was in my first-year of university. Met this one guy at the society’s AGM who was gonna run a campaign, and me and two other people joined. One of these people would be the girl who eventually became my first (and only) girlfriend (over two years together before we broke up, something which I still don’t think I’m fully over really).

    Got on reasonably well with her during our D and D sessions, but didn’t really have any interactions with her outside of these meet-ups. At some point (after maybe a couple of weeks/a month), we started properly chatting when we leaving a session we just had and we got on extremely well (very similar interests). This happened every time after this.

    Again though, outside of these little chats, I never actually talked to (or even really saw her) until I bumped into her one day by chance on campus. We got chatting again and she invited me into her flat (as she was heading that way anyway). She made me tea, and we ended up chatting for hours on end (I even deliberately skipped one of my lectures because I enjoyed her company that much). We met up again later that week (deliberately this time), and again she invited me back to her place where we ended up talking for ages.

    Now, I should point out before I get to the next point in this story that up until this point, I never found her physically attractive (not consciously at least). To me, she just seemed like a plain, normal looking girl (not ugly, but not exactly someone I’d look twice at either). If anything, if you’d asked me what I look for physically in a woman, she wouldn’t match the description at all (different hair and eye colour, for example).

    Now, I remember at one point during this second hang out at her place, that I started jokingly flirting with her (just to get a reaction out of her). After however long this went on for, she went up to go to the bathroom. Being alone with my thoughts for a few moments, I started to become rather nervous (as if I suddenly became aware that I was actually attracted to her, and that I wasn’t simply joking around). This became even more pronounced when she came back into the room.

    Eventually (maybe realising that she knew I was indeed attracted to her back judging from how nervous I was acting), she confessed that she had feelings for me. This was something that totally stunned me because I genuinely had no clue that she even liked me in the first place (I think I’d pushed the notion that a woman would ever like out of my head, so I never even considered that she liked me romantically). We ended up kissing, becoming boyfriend and girlfriend (and that was that).

    So, long story short: basically I was completely oblivious to not only the fact that this girl (who I didn’t think was attractive and was just trying to be friends with me) was attracted to me, but that I was actually attracted to her too; I’d been attracted to and falling for her subconsciously, yet it took a while before the conscious part of brain realised what was going on. It was so obvious in hindsight, but I was just that much of a dumbass 🤦‍♂️

    This girl that I never even considered ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me.

  10. Naah, she’s just being friendly. As for how it turned out, it was the usual high school nonsense of infinite love-triangles, we never got together. I sure ended up liking her a lot, after awhile, but we never matched up again.

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