How do you rate the human experience?

  1. To a lot a people, I’ve never really even had a human experience. Honestly, life just sucks and I don’t even really understand how I’m supposed to be living because no matter what I do it makes people angry.

    Different people are always telling me what I’m supposed to think, telling me what is supposed to make me happy, telling me what I have to hate, telling me what I can and can’t do, and tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.

    I’ve never really done anything with me life. I’m 21 and completely wasted “the best years of my life” doing nothing. I’ve just loved a boring existence doing nothing while be really anxious and depressed the entire time.

  2. Pretty awesome. I’m more of a spiritual minded than a fleshly minded person, but I’d still give it a solid 8.5/10 for all the feelings, sensations, consciousness and perception of a physical realm in general is neat, nature, animals, personal relationships, and how easy it is to maintain and survive in this extremely durable and flexible human suit. It’s also pretty cool how we’re built with a cheat code having the spirit of God within us and being able to tap into that cuz sometimes this physical existence stuff is pretty confusing, contradicting, and difficult.

    I think this is one of my last runs though. I’ve experienced everything I wanted to before age 35 this time, if I can make a huge positive impact with the next 50 or so years, I think I’ll be done with this whole thing, and next time I’ll take an astral bodied existence as an ancestral guide or somethin’

  3. 5/10. We’re able to experience so much cool stuff and learn and understand so much about the magnificent universe around us. We can love and make art and find crazy ways to enjoy ourselves. But we generally just go to work, find out what kind of weird fucked up shit is going on with corporations and/or the government and watch the global ecosystem collapse around us.

  4. Zero stars. No instructions. Some kind of crummy online tech support called glooglie. Idk.

  5. My life 8/10. Would be 10/10 if I was wealthy instead of having a big dick

    Yours 1/10. But from your post that’s on u. You have chosen to look at that way and not to go have adventure.
    Hope u turn that around, life is great if you just let be

  6. Make sure your experience comes from your own thoughts and not what is considered “normal” in society, once you learn to trust your will and feelings your life gets better, also learn to appreciate the things you do have. I sincerely felt happy before a lot of the internet and media came into large society’s use, i do feel that a lot of things seems to be anti-joy in the long run, learn to know that what you need is always a priority over what you want.

  7. It’s decent, overall. Obviously there are ups and downs, but the human experience is pretty cool.

    Lots of time spent waiting around for shit to happen.

  8. I find comfort in isolation, even though it isn’t healthy. This is a leftover facet of drug addiction that I have been unable, and somewhat unwilling, to shake off. As I continually disconnect from society, my world grows smaller, and so do I. Deep down inside I yearn for connection with others, but the how always seems to elude me. Humans are social creatures, denying that aspect of our lives drives us to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  9. I see the potential in it. Not sure the pay out is actually worth the effort though. Slow to start and then drags on a bit too long, i’d want a refund if i had paid for it. 5/10.

  10. Given that only the minority of human life even has the means to even access this question you’ve posed: a 3/10.

  11. 9/10.
    Also if you don’t like it you can gtfo whenever you like, sorta like a bad movie that way.

    I was always a bit bemused by the Buddhist attitude that the end goal here is to break the cycle of reincarnation and escape the wheel of karma. Why would I do that? I’ll keep renewing my subscription, thanks.

  12. Pretty weird and sucky lots of the time tbh, but kinda mesmerizing in an interesting way.

    Right now learning the interesting phenomenon of how things that give you the most beautiful emotions you will ever feel, can also be the source of the most painful you will ever feel.

    Strange its made like that… yet it makes sense.

  13. Hard to say, as I’ve nothing to compare it to. I’m enjoying existing though, and I’d like to continue doing so for a good number of years yet, so I guess it’s pretty okay.

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