What’s the nicest thing a friend or family member has ever done for you?

  1. When I was depressed and refused to see or talk to people for a while, a couple of my friends dropped off a huge box of chocolates, a flower bouquet and a small note with a heart on it outside of my front door. It was a small gesture, but I really appreciated and valued it, and I especially loved that they didn’t knock on the door or try to get in touch with me when I had asked to be left alone. Just a way of saying “hey, we’re respecting your boundaries but just want to let you know that we’re thinking of you”. It was very sweet.

  2. my best friend had taken me to the ER after getting drugged by another (well—former) friend

  3. My sister called me a dumbass after I told her I wanted to keep dating this girl who never wanted to spend time with me and used me for sex. Forever grateful for that wake up call.

  4. Bought me groceries and paid a bill for me when I was financially struggling in my early 20s.

  5. I’d moved to the UK for an ex and we broke up pretty early on (like a week into it) me living there. I had a miserable birthday and the **worst** carrot cake I’d eaten in my life. I called my mom sobbing about how all I wanted was her carrot cake and a huge.

    I’m very lucky that my mom is a flight attendant and she was doing a long layover in Dublin so she encouraged me to come over and spend a few days with her there.

    I flew over, her entire crew sang me happy birthday in their hotel bar and she brought me over carrot cake.

    I could honestly cry thinking about it right now because it was such a small simple thing but at that moment in my life it meant everything to me.

  6. My parents paid for my studies, it’s the best gift I could have; and my friends sent me a bouquet of flowers when I was really depressed and far from them, for my birthday. Didn’t expect that.

  7. My sister told my mother she was being unfair to me by forcing me to wash the dirty dishes my brothers left. My mother said she didn’t care, but still she’s the only one that ever came to my defense.

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