Also curious to know about the age difference and how your relationship has evolved over time.

  1. Haven’t spoken to my sister for 7 years after she called me a freeloader and said I was ruining her life because I wouldn’t move out of our family home.

    I’m a carer for my mum… Because I won’t shove my mother in a care home my sister hates me. She’s got a huge shock coming because she thinks she’s getting half of the house when my mum passes away. It’s all mine.

    I’m 32 she’s 41.

  2. We’re between 2 and 4 years apart and on friendly terms but not very close, mainly because I chose to cut our mum off several years back. I hope we’ll be able to “reconcile” a bit in the future, but we’ll see.

  3. It’s good. We’re not like super close or anything and we don’t really do stuff together since we haven’t lived in the same place for like a decade, but we get along. He’s three years younger than me.

  4. Brother turned 40 at the beginning of the year and I’ll turn 35 at the end, so essentially a 6 year age gap.

    We had a tough relationship growing up, he despised me for most of our childhood/adolescence (unfortunately an alcoholic parent effected us in different ways, my brother acted out and was the “bad kid” whereas I was desperate to be “perfect” and never do anything wrong to avoid being in trouble and the chaos that resulted from that, so I’m sure it felt to him like my parents favored me or I was just the golden child).

    It got better when we were both adults and had moved out of the family home, but we’ve never really been close. It makes me a little sad that we don’t have an easy relationship, but I also recognize that we are two very different people in both personality and ideology, so if it weren’t for sharing genetics I don’t think we’d be friends.

  5. My brother is 5.5 years younger and lives on the other side of the world. We like each other fine and care about each other a lot but don’t interact frequently because of the time difference and because we just don’t have a lot in common. But whenever he’s in the US for anything I’ll make a trip to meet him and we have a good time.

    We did not get along well until I was ~16 and he was ~11. Then we got to be friends, and we got closer when our mom died when I was 21 and he was 16. But I was away at college so we didn’t spend a lot of time together.

  6. We were close when I was a young kid, like single digit age. We get a long fine but we’re a bit distant because of our age gap. I turned 22 not long ago and he’ll be 29 in two months.

  7. Haven’t spoken to her in 15 years after her grown adult ass kicked my then 5 year old child for no other reason than the fact he walked past her

  8. It’s either I’m willing to kill them or ready to kill WITH them and cover everything up. No in between 🤷‍♂️

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