Seriously, why? What is the actual motivation behind this thing people do?

In case it’s exclusively a smaller town/red state thing, it’s when people fuck with the exhaust on their jacked up pick-up truck so that it vomits out clouds of black smoke at every stop light. I see it all the time where I live, and it seems to exist only for the driver to be an asshole.

  1. Urban equivalent is people playing loud music on the subway.


    To be noticed, to show off how little they care, etc

  2. They think it looks cool.

    Also a bit of “I will do this specifically because you told me not to” because they haven’t emotionally matured beyond toddlerhood.

  3. It’s just immaturity. It does exist only for the driver to be an asshole. Nothing else to say really. You can draw all sorts of psychological or political conclusions if you want.

  4. The same reason people have loud exhaust, do burn outs, and have loud stereo systems in their vehicles.

  5. I’ve never actually witnessed it in New England, Only heard of it online. So it does seem like it’s probably regional to some extent. And I would assume the reasons are because the people who do it both have been trained to dislike/disbelieve environmentalists and because they crave attention and figure a public dick measuring contest is the best way to get it.

  6. It’s the most childish, Neanderthal shit ever. A bunch of 25-45 year olds thinking theyre some kind of Dennis the Menace edge lords actively endangering people around them. And they get all especially emotional over EVs or Hybrids and will purposely smoke them because it makes them feel like less of a failure.

    Seriously pathetic people.

  7. I mean it is just immaturity and trying to show off and annoy people.

    There are lots of other versions of this. Having extremely load exhaust, there was an urban trend of adding whistlers to exhausts so they made piercing sounds that were even loader, blasting music with super load speakers.

  8. So there’s a couple things at play. High powered modified diesel engines will often not burn their fuel particularly cleanly. Thus they make black smoke. Usually this involved re-jetting or re-flashing a tune to unleash additional horsepower and torque. This is very common with diesel trucks that are basically de-tuned from the factory for efficiency and durability. When you reset the factory tuning you *can* unlock heaps of power.

    So, for years, black coal rolling trucks were usually ones that had been modified to make more power. You’d see it at drag strips and truck pulls and the like. So, gearheads and truck guys associated black smoke with high power. Which was usually true.

    Now, however, rarely are the most obnoxious coal rollers actually tuning for high power (even if they think they are gaining something its usually minuscule). They’re just jacking with the tune and running cheap pipes to make smoke to give off the *image* of rebellious high horsepower trucks.

    In other words, they’re posers of the worst kind.

  9. i saw one recently in pennsylvania and the tailgate had #dieselDouchebag on it, i said well he’s damn right

  10. Diesels tuned for power will smoke *a little bit, and I mean very little* but these guys specifically tune the engines to smoke like crazy just to be children about it.

  11. I’m red state country as hell, drive a pickup, and I can’t stand those guys. Like others said, you’ve got it figured. They’re assholes.

  12. They’re like Truck Nuts….there is no logic to it and it’s morons who do it. That being said, they whole thing got it’s start from modifying diesels to make more power…kind of like hot-rodding.

  13. It’s for the same reason people (usually young men) make their exhaust or music loud, put obnoxious decals on their vehicles, and so on: they think it makes them cool. It actually makes them look like idiots, but there’s no convincing them about that. They’ll figure it out when they get older.

  14. For many, it’s a middle finger to the EPA, environmentalists and anyone else who believes vehicle emissions should be regulated. It’s an attempt at making a statement about “mah rights.”

    For others, they think it looks and sounds cool, and might even argue that it improves the performance of their vehicle.

    And finally, for a growing number of coal rollers here in the U.S., it’s a cry for help. The hope that one day, through the gift of modern medicine, we might finally find a cure for microphallus (micro penis).

    So really, there are many different reasons why someone might roll coal. It all depends on the individual.

  15. A local morning radio show was discussing this and they had a caller who does it, and he said he and his friends pretty much exclusively do it when they are in front of a Prius or a cyclist. Well, I doubt they do it to kids on bikes or people who look like they’re just too poor to afford a car, but more like MAMILS.

    Despicable practice and indicative of how rancid the politics of this country have gotten that some people have to fuck with others just because they are making a different personal choice. If this had been a thing back when I was on my bike every day (didn’t have a car until I was 28 and lived in a small city with effectively zero public transit), I would have spiked a motherfucker’s tire for gassing me out on my bike. I breathed enough exhaust fumes as it was.

  16. Yeah dude, I don’t get it. I see it every few weeks or so around here and like another commenter said, the driver hasn’t matured emotionally since toddlerhood and they crave attention.

  17. Sometimes people aren’t Ok with you just suspecting their penis is small. They feel the need to properly announce it

  18. Same motivation as the assholes with the giant stereos thumping that you can hear from 2 miles away. “Look at me, I’m awesome”.

  19. Because my dick so much bigger than yours, and I want the whole world to know it based on my lifted truck that never leaves the pavement and the coal I roll on beta Prius drivers.


  20. Because they think it triggers people, whether they be “libs”, environmentalists or the government. It’s pathetic, vulgar contrarianism for the sake of it.

  21. There is a part of America whose entire motivation is to “own the libs”. There is no substance behind it, they just hate liberals and by extension, anything that they are for.

    Liberals are pro climate reform and pro making earth a cleaner place. The Republicans on the extreme end then have to display the exact opposite argument. So while liberals are considering switch to electric vehicles or vehicles with lower emissions, these guys make sure to pour as much smoke as humanly possible

  22. It’s to be an asshole.

    I’m not joking. People who roll coal think it looks cool, for whatever reason. But they actually, literally, want to say “SUCK IT LIBS, FUCK THE ENVIRONMENT!”

    You might think I’m joking, but I am dead fucking serious. These people are absolute fucking half-wits, and this is how they think.

  23. Imagine this. You grow up happy with your own interests that you think are quite the bee’s knees. Trucks have been your life, your father and frandfather have wrenched all of their lives, and you even have books detailing every model year of your favorite brand of vehicle. Then you enter the wider world and meet…..the anti-truck people.

    You know the kind. The ones who think that if you aren’t a farmer then you don’t *need* a pickup truck. That think that if you have a lifted truck then it means you have a tiny, unsatisfying penis, who referred to you in the least kind variation of an uneducated rural person, and that tried to lord over you that they are intellectually and morally superior (Gods you people make me use that phrase too much) because they aren’t killing the planet with a diesel V8. I’ve personally met these kind of people and they are always surprised that I, as a New Yorker, am ostensibly one of those people they mock. So I can tell you what happens in response.

    What happens next? They rebel. They rebel against the arrogance and conceded behavior of those mocking them. They’ll see that guy in high school that picked on them for wearing a Dale Earnhardt shirt with a Ford Trucks hat to class on the side of the road. They stop and ask “You broke down?” Then drive away yelling “Good Luck” when Mister Jokester of course says yes. They’ll install the train air horn and modify their truck to, you guessed it, roll coal. So the next person that wrongs them *knows it*.

    There’s an inevitable push and pull of life when it comes to this kind of behavior. I like to think of it like the Lion King’s Circle of Life, except it’s really a Circle of As*holes though it still moves us all. So why roll coal? Because that person is sick of the last dozen Beamers and Acuras that keep cutting him off in traffic is why.

  24. Same reason toddlers reach into their soiled diapers and and proceed to smear their shit on things when you show disapproval.

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