My boyfriend’s libido is very high while mine is low (on top of this, I’m a virgin & a little apprehensive about sex because of it). The topic of sex comes up daily, and while I’m not totally uncomfortable with the idea, I do want to talk to him about this because he tries to sext me without much buildup/forewarning and when I’m not particularly in the mood to. How should I go about this?

  1. Tell him you don’t want him to start sexting you without warning. Ask him to send a “Would you be interested in sexting now?“ message and wait for your response before moving forward.

    Just so you’re aware, it can be difficult to navigate a relationship with drastically different libidos. It’s going to take a *lot* of communication between you both and some compromising by one or both of you.

  2. This got to be an issue with my wife whose sex drive became super high as she got a bit older (also I have some issues with premature ejac and size). The solution at the end of the day has been a lot of masturbation.

  3. Sex drive being low after you had some for some time and being a virgin, it’s not exactly the same thing in my opinion. Your opinion on sex will likely change after you’re no longer a virgin, and after you find someone who you feel like your body chemistry is a good match for.

    With that said, if that’s your boundary, communicate that boundary. If you want a little build up, let him know. (I mean, honestly, out of no where sexting isn’t that sexy anyway…) You’ll quickly find out what the other person is really like just by watching how the react when they don’t get what they want, so it could be a good measuring tool for ya.

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