Been hanging out and having sex with a girl I met on tinder who said she said she didn’t want and can’t have a relationship because of life circumstances. After about 7 weeks she said I love you. Granted, I more “make love” than I do “fuck”, and always make sure she finishes.

Would it be best just to break things off cold turkey for her sake?

I don’t want a relationship with her, don’t and won’t catch feelings for her, and I don’t think it’s fair for her to be in love with me when there isn’t a chance I can reciprocate.

Should/how should I end things?

  1. The best advice for future FWBs would be to stop ‘making love’ and start just ‘fucking’. You can still do the latter and make it satisfying for the other person without doing (or saying) stuff that might engender feels.

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