How have your political views changed as you’ve aged?

  1. They got more radical after seeing so much injustice and trouble.

    Always very left leaning since my early youth, just as my parents. Just more militant and radical nowadays.

  2. Every day I mentally move closer to the grand idea of a violent progressive revolution.

  3. Went from being super left-wing in my youth to right-leaning in my mid-20’s to now hold both progressive and slightly more conservative views. The former triumphs the latter, though.

  4. I used to be very, very liberal. I aligned myself with some of the most liberal members of the senate, wrote extensively on liberal policies. As I get older, I become increasingly conservative. After seeing everything going on around the world, my own occupation, and my childhood town, I am far from liberal now.

  5. I have always been more progressive than the rest of my family, but I have only grown more progressive as I have grown older.

    The conservatives have nothing to offer me.

  6. Waaaaaaaay more leftist. Also way more anti capitalist. Also, fuck landlords, fuck billionaires, care for marginalized people, etc. And can we please quit fucking over the global south.

  7. I’m right wing and getting more so as time goes on. I’m in my late 20s but they’ve still evolved some.

  8. Not really. I probably grew into it and became more informed.

    I grew up in a low income house and was constantly discriminated against for things out of my control. I also have health complications from lack of health care and safety nets when I was a kid.

    Even as someone that “fought to get where I am” I’m not so ignorant to believe everyone has that privilege. It bothers me my situation is becoming more common for young people.

  9. I grew up in a strict conservative Christian house. I maintained those beliefs well into my 20’s. I moved away from home, became a mother, started traveling. I started getting more and more progressive. Over the last decade I’ve gone from red to blue and I couldn’t be happier about it. The small isolated country town I grew up in was all I knew and assumed the rest of the world was the same. It took leaving and educating myself to see the real world and it’s problems.

  10. The older I get and the longer I work in healthcare the more radically left I become.

  11. Nope. I’ve always believed in justice and equality. As I grew older, I just learned more and more how direly we need these things. How riddled our world is with white supremacy, colonialism and sexism. It’s sad.

  12. Since my teens I’ve been very, very left. I’m now in my early thirties, and I still am very far left from my core. Still, I’ve noticed that some of my views aren’t progressing as fast as they maybe should for them to be modern and leftist in today’s standards.

  13. I was conservative as a child, them spent most of my life as a moderate independent, just slightly left of center. I think center has moved a lot, because I seem to fall more in the liberal area now at 50

  14. Growing up, I was conservative. After some college and everything that’s happened over the years, I know find myself wayyy more liberal now

  15. The more I read and organise in my community the more radical I become. I’ve mellowed in my approach understanding who the real class enemy are (it’s not the average right winger even though they might see me as the evil commie)

    Especially unpacking the heavy heavy propaganda the us and the west spews has been something I’ve grown in.

    So yeah I don’t think it’s age it’s more knowledge. Don’t really see myself getting any further though. Idk if that is even possible.

  16. I don’t think it’s because I aged, rather a changing environment (political, climate, conspiracy freaks).

  17. Full circle. I tried to temper my teenage views to make myself more palatable to people as a whole, and as I got older and learned more…. Well informed me agrees with teenage me.

  18. My views have not changed but my desire to hear other’s views has greatly diminished.

    Edit so I don’t get mislabeled: I’ve been liberal since I popped out. Lol

  19. I’ve always been left wing but think I’ve got more pragmatic and willing to see where people with different view points are coming from as I’ve aged. Also I am now more willing to be flexible and judge any policies on a case by case basis not immediately forming an opinion because that’s what other people on my side think.

  20. When I was 14 I’d say I was pretty moderate, but as an adult lesbian with daughters, I’m far left progressive

    Also used to think police were good, now I’m pretty anti-police. Life has taught me police are little better than a gang at worst and an ineffective drain on community resources at best

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