What do you think of the class clown?

  1. Humor is the #1 quality which draws me to people, but you have to know when it’s appropriate to joke around and when it isn’t. Otherwise it’s just obnoxious.

  2. It depends on whether or not they know when to cease joking around and what form their antics take.

  3. They’re usually annoying and I kinda feel bad for them sometimes because they do things to get peer approval. Usually assume something at home life isn’t that great. Or sometimes they’re the mean class clowns who i find incredibly annoying.

  4. Never cared. Thought they were funny sometimes, even if I was laughing at them and not with them. Only thought they became an annoyance when they kept interrupting and when the teacher had to waste our time trying to get them to shut up. A witty sense of humor is attractive and can show confidence in the right context, but only when they aren’t being selfish towards others in their search for attention.

  5. As a teacher, the class clown usually ends up being one of my favorites. There is normally a lot of anxiety and insecurity behind all of it. Once I win them over, they end up being some of my hardest-working students. I’ve had several come back after they graduate to thank me.

  6. (to me) humor is a sign of intelligence… But humor without emotional intelligence negates the former statement.

  7. I liked them. They knew when enough was enough, and they never made jokes at anyone else’s expense. They made school a bit more tolerable.

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