Interpret the question in whatever way you like

  1. Laying an absolute monster of a log in the toilet. You know, the ones that hurt a little to get out and at one point you even doubt that it’s gonna come out and you start to panic that you will spend all day in there, or even worse, have to get it out *manually.* Those hit the best especially after days of being constipated and having eaten inhuman amounts of food. And because of their incredibly sturdy nature, there is much less wiping to do than you initially anticipate from such a beast. That right there, is the cherry on top of this heavenly experience. Looking forward to my next one.

  2. The fall. Sitting at my desk soldering wires in an old tube radio while fresh autumn air drifts in through the window. Walking around in crunchy leaves while the kids ensure as many pieces of them as possible get into their clothes. Riding the ferry to Seattle even though Seattle sucks.

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