Correction, when she *thinks* I’m sleeping. I know she tiptoes out of the bedroom from time to time in the middle of the night. I know she digs through the dirty laundry until she comes across my gym clothes. And I know she specifically wears them while she masturbates. What I don’t know is whether or not I should mention it to her. I think it’s hot and it turns me on knowing that she does this, but I’m not sure if me NOT knowing is part of what makes it hot for her. Do I just keep my mouth shut and let her do her thing or do I risk potentially ruining something sexy and secretive by talking to her?

  1. Don’t ruin it.

    You could skirt the topic by starting a conversation about body smells and how you love the smell of her clothes. Maybe this might trigger her saying something.

  2. If the partners were flipped, would this still be okay?

    If you’re fine with it, you’re fine with it. If you’re not… Well what then? What else might she be up to? Communication good.

  3. how did you manage to figure all this out without her finding out? this reads like a fetish post

  4. Some girls have sweat and body odor fetishes. I once hooked up with a girl who frequently asked me to come right over after the gym so she could get my sweat all over her body and was also infatuated with eating my sweaty exit-hole. She really got off on me getting my dirty body fouids on her. Some people really get off to specific odors, body odor and sweat can be one of them.

  5. If I were you try this lol- after you work out, keep your clothes on and if you feel clean enough downstairs make out with her and see if she gets into it. I know it sounds kind of dirty but if she is into that why not try it. She might even orgasm much more since it was so spontaneous lol and if she is loving it don’t mention that you know about her kink. It might mess it up. If that is too unclean maybe shower beforehand so you are clean just not your clothes. Sounds weird but hey she is into that. I’m a pleaser so I would try it just for her. Good luck!

  6. Well theres dudes that sniff their girls panties when they jerk off. Same deal I reckon. If I smell my girls dirty panties I’ll get hard. (Haven’t jerked off to them…..yet💡)

  7. Just leave well enough alone. Take it as a badge of honor. She is just that into you and that’s awesome.

  8. Might be a “man” smell or a smell of you that gets her off. I wouldn’t say anything.

  9. Try offering to bang as soon as you get home from the gym and “accidentally” leave your clothes on the bed when you get naked

  10. lol. Accidently wake up in the middle of the night and lend her a helping hand.

    Then incorporate that kink into your sex play. Work out get sweaty then come home and say, ” I have something for you.”

  11. Probably she has a fetish on your smell and is ashamed of telling you, one day surprise her using your gym clothes, take your t- shirt off and put it around her neck like a scarf and tell her you know what she has been doing and how you find it very hot and you want to try something new with her.

  12. I used to borrow my boyfriends dirty shirts to sleep in and sniff because they were comforting, but I didn’t use for masturbation. I get really liking your partner’s odor though.

  13. I wouldnt rock the boat. It might embarass her. Maybe conviently”wake up” one night while shes doing it and tell her how hot what shes doing is. Maybe shes turned on by your sweat. Maybe she wants to have sex with you while your all sweaty after the gym. Talk yo her about it.

  14. Next time you’re laying in bed with her, ask her to smell your armpits and tell you if they stink or not. This will gauge how she feels about your odor/pheromones and will potentially get her to talk about her kink. Let her know there’s nothing wrong with it, and if she wants, you’ll leave a set of clothes out for her to masturbate in instead of making her dig. Or just wear them yourself and maybe you’ll get one of the rare “asleep blowjobs” or something.

  15. I wouldn’t directly call her out on it. But I might give some hints. Come back from the gym and give her a sexy long kiss and ask her how she feels about how you smell when you get back from the gym. If she’s like,”Ummm…. I love how you smell you hunk!” then you have a place to start talking about her kink/turn on. If she gets embarrassed and says, “Oh gross, you smell like a gym!”, I’d say something like, “Oh really, I think the lady doth protest too much. Why do I have the feeling you actually like the way I smell after I work out. Wink, wink! No need to be embarrassed.”

  16. I’d leave it she’s enjoying it an if that gets her rocks off why mess with that, however if you ever catch her doing it or the time seems right or whatever I wouldn’t be afraid to jump In with her.

    Ps: just an idea but I thought I’d mention it because she and you might like it work in front of her/when you get back from the gym all nice and sweaty and toss your cloths at her while she dose whatever she likes and watches.

  17. I’d just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the fact that you know her secret and that it turns you on. It’s kind of naughty and kinky, and its a secret. don’t ruin it. There’s always the possibility that talking about it will ruin it for you both.

  18. Do you think she really believes you don’t know? It’s the sneaking around about it that may be an issue if she’s truly.

  19. If you do bring it up, do it in a non serious way and make sure she knows you like it and don’t want her to stop. You don’t want her to be embarrassed that she got caught and stop

  20. They say the best place to meet your spouse is in the gym. We go up to who we are attracted by their BO, not attraction this way. And if you’re related, their BO smells even worse than regular to you. So the better the sweat smell, the more compatible according to science anyways. We go to the sweat we like.

    Met hubby in high school. His soaked rugby clothes smelt so damn good was a turn on.

  21. My ex had a very big fetish for my body odor. His orgasms where very intense when smelling my sweat lol. He even used my sweaty shirts to masturbate to it. It’s a feromone thing.

    As seen in other comments; wear your sweaty clothes, make sure your bits are clean (unless she likes it sweaty) and see what happens. Good luck!

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