Hi so my best friend and I have been best friends for a few years. We’re basically family because we don’t get along with our actual families and we really understand each other. We were friends before she met her girlfriend.

I want to preface this by saying that I am definitely into men. I’ve only ever dated men and I love my friend but even if I was into women or she became a man, I would have no interest whatsoever in being with her in a romantic manner and I’m sure she feels the same about me. We’re just very close. I tend to be close with my female friends.

I don’t really like my friends gf for many reasons. I keep this hidden and we get along and are very civil actually but I sense she doesn’t like me.

My friend and her gf have been fighting a lot and based on what I’m hearing my friends gf is trying to end things with my friend for multiple reasons, but every time she tries my friend talks her back into a relationship. The last fight they had my friend called me to tell me that things aren’t improving and that her friend is threatened by our relationship. My friend also told this to another friend of ours who thought it was silly and gross for my friends gf to even think about that.

My entire social network right now are people I’ve met through my best friend. I’m really worried that somehow my best friend is going to cut me out for her gf. I’ve had this worry for a while that her gf is going to give her an ultimatum and I’ll have no friends.

I also feel very uncomfortable that my friend told me that. All I can worry about now is how to not ruin their relationship. Even though I’ve done nothing and my friend assured me that this has nothing to do with me I’m kinda worried. I’m also annoyed because my friends gf routinely hangs out with her ex who apparently always tries to initiate physical contact when they hang out.

Do i just distance myself and back off, stop going to things her gf will be at? Or do i just keep acting the same.

Tl;dr friends girlfriend doesn’t like our friendship

  1. >My friend and her gf have been fighting a lot and based on what I’m hearing my friends gf is trying to end things with my friend for multiple reasons, but *every time she tries my friend talks her back into a relationship*.

    So…this is terrifying…

  2. >my friend called me to tell me that things aren’t improving and that her friend is threatened by our relationship
    >I also feel very uncomfortable that my friend told me that.

    I feel you OP. In an ideal scenario, it would be your friend’s responsibility to discuss this issue with her gf and decide on her own boundaries which she would communicate to you eg OP, I’m going to be prioritizing time with my gf so that’s going to affect how much time I spend/interact with you. That way she isn’t 1) throwing her gf under the bus, 2) sharing information that her gf would likely prefer she kept private and 3) putting you in the uncomfortable situation of having to do the work of figuring out how to adjust your behavior to accommodate the feelings of someone you have zero relationship with.

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