The other night we went out with a group of friends. The other man was asking inappropriate questions about my husband being okay with me going out for girls nights without him, I go out with his girlfriend to bars and other events. Later in the evening after I had walked away the other man asked my husband if he was a cuckold, I had to google the term for myself. Obviously that ruined the night for my husband so we left early. I didn’t know that occurred until this evening. I think us leaving early due to the inappropriate behavior may have bruised the relationship I have with the other girl. He was really drunk but I don’t think it’s a good excuse. I feel like he is insinuating that I’m unfaithful to my husband when I go out.

  1. Well, are you? Or let me rephrase, is there anything that may give the IDEA that you are? Because either dude is making shit up wholesale (possible) OR he’s hearing something from his gf (that you go out on girl’s nights with) that’s making him think this.

    Think real hard, was there ever a situation where things may have LOOKED wrong (even if they maybe weren’t?)

  2. The most like answer is that her bf is just an disrespectful asshole.

    May have also been his drunken attempt to ask your husband if it was ok pursue a sexual relationship with you? If your “friend” has a problem with you leaving early after her partner disrespected your I wouldn’t call her a friend.

    Also whatever you tell your friend about your husband her bf may have also heard(or been told) so if you’ve ever said or done anything to imply such a thing he may have used that as context for the question.(I’m not implying you have)

  3. There’s a multitude of reasons why this guy might have asked that, from being interested in being a bull to a cuckold relationship to being a hard core controlling misogynist who doesn’t allow his own wife/gf to have a social life without him.

    If the other woman is upset, you can say that the guy said something inappropriate and personal, and left you both uncomfortable. If she presses, tell her if you want.

    But the other guy, even if he wasn’t trying to shame, was out of line.

  4. A bit beyond insinuating.

    If she’s more mad at you than she is at him for being an asshole, then I guess they deserve one another.

  5. >I feel like he is insinuating that I’m unfaithful to my husband when I go out.

    That’s exactly what he was doing

  6. Could he have been asking to see if you’re into stuff like that ? Cause drunk people say wild things sometimes.

  7. In most circles such inappropriate comments would be purposely used to pick a fight with someone.

    Either they’re trying to suss you guys out for something else or this other man was just an asshole without any social class.

  8. Or he’s insinuating to your husband he is a cuckold for letting you go on all these girls nights because many women act single and cheat on these outings. So he was either trying to insult your husband and call him a doormat or he wanted to sleep with you.

  9. > I feel like he is insinuating that I’m unfaithful to my husband when I go out.

    Yeah, that’s exactly what he’s saying. Your “friend” is apparently supporting this behavior, too.

  10. I don’t think the boyfriend was trying to sleep with OP. I think he didn’t want his GF going out without him, and she said “OP’s boyfriend let’s HER go out without being such an asshole about it,” and he told her “well he’s probably a cuck or a pussy if he let’s her do that.”

    Then he asked to prove it to her and win the argument.

  11. If he’s just a typical “bro” douche bag dude its likely he is just trying to emasculate your boyfriend and make himself appear dominant.

  12. he is absolutely saying you are unfaithful and your husband knows about it. probably your friend is telling her husband stories about you. that comment is also a way for him to find out if there is a change to have sex with you. you need to get rid of that friend.

  13. That man is not your friend. He’s calling you a whore, saying you cheat on your husband and that your husband allows it because he’s not a manly man.

    He was extremely disrespectful to both of you and I would just tell the other girl that you didn’t appreciate being insinuated that you’re a slut and him literally asking your husband if he shares you with other men.

  14. Have you ever cheated on your husband and your girlfriend knows about it. Do you flirt with other men on girls night out? Did your girlfriend mention it to her boyfriend and that why he made the comment.

    Disregard if know flirting or cheating ever happened lol.

  15. These type of comments do go right of the bat like that ! No

    Surely enough you should have acted in an innapropriate way or another…
    Too much sassiness or exhibition of Any sort

    You Made that fuzz by yourself

  16. If somebody called me a cuck for not being an insecure controlling prick over my girlfriend we’d be fighting

  17. This is a go-to insult these days.

    Particularly when the “insulter” has little or no respect for “insultee”.

  18. How well do you know this couple?

    Are they swingers? If they are, he may have misread the situation thinking you are too. But being a dick about it because he was really drunk.

  19. “cuck” is used as an insult by redpill men who consider themselves “alphas”

    They think it’s the ultimate insult and it was intended to insinuate your husband is a lesser man, not that you’re a cheater. He was trying to say your husband isn’t a “real man” because he doesn’t control you and “assert his dominance as the man of the house” or some other bullshit like that.

  20. Yes he’s saying that because you go out with the girls that you are cheating when you do and therefore your husband must be a cuckold for allowing it.

    This, of course, says way more about the person who said it than anything. Good thing your husband kept it together and did punch the guy in the face

  21. It depends on how comfortable a person is with their partner. If you both know you can trust each other to turn any kind of advances down, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  22. Why I don’t know. But this guy was obviously taking stabs at your husband’s “manliness”.

    The guy is obviously an insecure/controlling ass for “questions about my husband being okay with me going out for girls nights without him”.

    My wife goes out for girls’ nights and I have no problem with it. Because I trust her. I am secure in myself and my relationship with her. I am not controlling.

    If I was your husband I would have pointed out the above, removed myself from his presence, and continued to have a good time. If he kept digging at me then we probably would have had some words until my wife told me to drop it and let’s go home lol

  23. He was disrespectful and cheap. Kudos to your husband for walking away. This kind of shit hurts and it’s usually dealt out by shitty men with a nasty patriarchal mindset who do not respect the women in their life and as an extension other men. They view genuine men like your husband as weak and use that as an opportunity to get offensive (and try to get lucky as well).

    If the other girl is going to stick with that man and then you are better off without being friends with her for the sake of your husband.

  24. The dude got drunk and made an ass of himself, plain and simple. Maybe he’s the type of guy who gets insecure when his GF goes places without him and so he can’t fathom how other guys might not feel the same way. He could be assuming that the only way your husband would be okay with it is if he wanted you to sleep with other guys.

    Or maybe he wants to sleep with you and had the really wrong idea that just because your husband is okay with you going to girls nights he’d be okay with that.

    Either way he seems like an asshole and an unsavory character. If I were your husband I’d never want to be around him again. And honestly it’s the sort of thing I’d make a scene over. Not physically attack him but I’d for sure call him out in front of his girlfriend and others for asking such a rude question.

  25. Yeah your bf is a good man for walking away. I think mine would be ready to throw fists.

  26. I think most people here have it wrong.

    Your friend’s boyfriend is the possessive/controlling/jealous type. He doesn’t like that friend goes out to girls’ night without him and was trying to get your husband on his side to end the practice. He asked if your man liked to be cucked because he was insinuating that when y’all go out without your partners, you’re just out cheating.

    Watch out for your friend.

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