I’m absolutely over clubbing. My friend group goes every weekend, usually to one of 3 clubs around the area. We’ve been to each of them a ridiculous number of times.

Same people, same music, same drinks, same bouncers, same £30 taxi home…it’s just repetitive.

My friends are still obsessed with it, (we’re all 20 and have been going clubbing since 18) and if I don’t come out I’ll just feel lonely and bored at home. I just don’t see the appeal anymore in spending £100-£200 a night to feel awful the next 3 days.

I’d rather focus on work and self improvement (Gym, hobbies ect) than getting wasted on a Friday and Saturday. Did anyone else feel like this at the age of 20?

  1. I never liked it. Here’s something to try that will expand your mind. Go camping by yourself for a weekend. Go somewhere that you won’t see another human being from Friday night until Sunday night.

  2. It becomes habitual, but when that’s all there is to do????

    You’re evolving, they aren’t. Maybe suggest traveling to a different city, to check out their clubs bars, or doing something else. Vacation is always fun with friends. Tell them you’re bored of doing the same shit every single weekend

  3. 18. I went a few times and it’s not my thing at all. I had more fun at parties in the woods around a fire and things like that.

  4. I’m in my mid thirties, and I love clubbing at least as much as I did in my twenties. I now DJ as a hobby, and being any active participant in the local nightlife scene has open a ton of doors for me in terms of job opportunities, friendship and sex.

  5. I went because it was what my friends did and expected, but I always found it boring. I think you should do exactly what your gut is telling you. Focus on improving yourself and your hobbies.

  6. I moved to NYC when I was 25 and was making more money than I could have ever dreamed of.. so, I continued occasionally clubbing until I was about 30 or so. Then, it just got too tedious.

  7. I had the same issue when I was young. My friends didn’t like the places I liked. So, instead of waiting for people to go with me, I started going alone. This includes the gym, traveand places around town. I’ve met many cool people along the way. I go to two different gyms regularly and I’ve met and hung out with people there. Don’t spend your time waiting on other people.

  8. I went to one club when I was 21.

    And it was torturously annoying. Never went again.

    I don’t even like bars.

    I’m 31 now and I drink maybe once every 2-3 months. Lot less drama when you stop hanging out with your high school friends lol

  9. 22. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good brewery or winery, an occasional dance floor, but going out for hours on end not being able to hear anyone talk is just awful

  10. 20. In my college I used to be Media Club Photographer. That means I’ll be on stage for every DJ event that happens. After 2 events I was done. One time I got too tired of the shit and slept under multiple speakers.

  11. Never liked it but went with the gang

    Had to make the big boy decision to tell them it wasn’t for me and stopped going

  12. You kinda said your own solution. You wanna go to the gym, and you don’t wanna be bored on a Friday night. Go hit the gym while they’re clubbing. I’ve no joy in clubbing/bars. And like you, I was going mostly to be with my friends. I got tired of babysitting them as they were getting sloppier. You’ll develop new hobbies as you get older and find new friends to engage with those hobbies. Also, you might lose some of those friends, or lose how close they are, but, you gotta do what’s right for you. Otherwise, you’ll start to resent your friends, and associate them with your negative feelings towards clubbing.

  13. I never vibed with the club scene, went to one when I turned 21 and never went back haha. Everyone vibes with different scenes so it’s totally normal to just not be into it, I’ve always enjoyed bars a lot more especially quieter ones where you can actually carry a conversation

  14. Always was. I dont like drinking or being around lots of people. Id rather be alone doing hobbies

  15. Stopped going regularly at 22. I’d say I’d have fun and have a memorable night maybe 1 out of 20 times.

    Looking back being around friends was great but the atmosphere was shit. Rather go, go carting or something actually fun.

  16. No matter what age you are, you’re not weird for growing out of it. I was middle of the pack for my friends but none of us do anymore.

    I used to love clubbing from 18 to about 25. I went from trying to go out every weekend to just for birthdays.

    I went to a club in Vegas at 31 and left within 15 minutes to gamble. I’m 34 now and haven’t been to one since. I go to the Calgary Stampede beer tent once a year because I live here but wouldn’t travel for it.

    Music festivals are a different story, for me at least!

  17. The night of my 21st birthday. I walked in and after an hour I thought I had enough for a lifetime. It’s not for everyone. I don’t like random sweaty arms rubbing up against me.

  18. I only went a few times and saw no appeal. The fear of getting an std was to high for me to enjoy the time there

  19. Went twice when 18 one month apart. Hated every minute. I was in pain, exhausted, sick, migraines. Never will go out again

  20. Early 30’s. The thrill of hooking up with girls at the club was so strong throughout my late teens to my early 30’s that I couldn’t give it up. Most every week a different chick.

    But then I chose to shift gears and focus on my career.

    I regret nothing.

  21. I’m a former professional DJ and the whole thing got tedious for me when I reached 27. I carried on for money purposes until I was 29. Those two years were absolutely horrendous.

  22. Never looked fun. Just felt one-sided and exploitative. Women go there for attention and fun. Men only go to either find prey or abuse themselves by trying to prove their own value in a soul-crushing environment.

    Found every woman I ever dated in my daily life… And paid normal drink prices. Much better way to find considerate women that don’t think that love is just a shopping game of making other people feel worthless.

  23. I went for 1 year (or less) from the ages 18 to 19.

    Sometimes it was fun, but to be honest, I went because my friends went.

    I’m now 23, and haven’t been back, not planning to.

    Its fun to go have dinner, maybe have a drink there, or just do different things.

    But clubbing is so overrated, people do it because “it’s cool”. Well, it’s not.

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