I’m a female (25) and I suffered from selective mutism growing up. I still sometimes get mute around people but I am usually able to speak only when someone asks me a question.

When I try to join in on a conversation, I always get scared no one will hear me or I will say something stupid so I end up not saying anything.

At work, people think I’m really quiet and shy because I never speak and when I do speak my voice comes out really soft. I think that’s what bugs me the most because I had a teams meeting once with my colleagues right next to me (in person), and we were talking to someone who was working from home through MS teams, and the person at home couldn’t here me speak, even though they could hear my colleagues who were right next to me.

And many times when people say Hi to me I say Hi back really softly but they dont hear it so they think I ignored them. This one time I tried speaking louder to my sibling and she said told me to stop shouting.


How do I speak better and more audibly? I’ve always spoke really softly and I think one reason is that when I speak to someone, I usually don’t want anyone to overhear the conversation so I speak really softly but no one ends up hearing me. However, when I try to speak louder I feel like I am almost shouting and I start feeling nervous so I usually end up just keeping quiet.


Also, my voice sounds weird and I lack social skill so I’m kind of self conscious to just practice talking because I feel like I’ll just fail

If anyone has any advice please comment below. Thanks

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