It is often stated that Reddit does not accurately represent Americans in real life. But what are some things you feel where Reddit actually DOES fairly accurately represent the real picture?

  1. I can’t think of a single thing, almost everything I read on Reddit seems to be the opposite of my real-life experiences, including certain topics on this sub. Even this subreddit for example seems to still clearly favor democrats which is in line with the rest of Reddit, even if a little less so. (Btw I’m not Republican, I dislike both parties. Just an observation about this sub I made) While I encounter a lot more varied viewpoints and am able to co-exist with different views irl, reddit seems to be very samey in terms of politics no matter what sub you’re on. Politics hardly come up irl anyways in general.

    Edit- When I say democrat, I don’t mean I think this sub is majorly left wing which I think is a misunderstanding, I see both democrats and republicans as right-wing parties, so either way I would consider this sub and the rest of reddit right wing. Reddit seems to support progressive social views, but right-wing foreign policy which lines up here as well. Which is why I always say that reddit leans primarily democrat, but not necessarily left wing like a lot believe. Because I classify “left wing” as being left both on social and foreign policy issues, and not just one over the other. Other than social issues that democrats are more left than republicans on, they both support the same philosophy when it comes to foreign policy.

  2. I think all our political arguments make us seem like a bunch of infighting bitches but in the real world I’ve never started or participate in a political argument/fight . In fact I’m friends with multiple Republicans lmao

  3. Nothing. Reddit heavily tilts toward young, more “left-wing” anonymous posters with enough time on their hands that they can read posts and respond to them.

    Considering this is at most 10% of the population, Reddit cannot represent most Americans in just about any aspect.

  4. Americans do generally empathize with animals more than other countries, especially cute animals. A lot of Americans even go as far as treating their pets like surrogate children, which I can say more about but not now. Maybe all the anthropomorphic cartoons we watch growing up have something to do with it. I don’t know.

    It’s not a uniquely American attitude, but I think a lot of Americans take it for granted. It wasn’t always this way. Pets were historically tools first, companions second. It was only the rise of the middle class during the Industrial Revolution where lots of people kept pets not to work but simply to enjoy having around. There’s less of a master-beast relationship with our animals and we treat them close to equals. This can be sweet but in my opinion it leads to poorly trained and disciplined dogs, but I digress.

    America had and still has an especially large middle class compared to other countries. This has resulted in a relationship with animals distinctly different from other places that still maintain emotional distance from their animals.

    So Reddit’s obsession with animals, especially pets, is a fairly accurate representation of our culture.

  5. Americans are among the most propagandized people on earth. They wholeheartedly parrot narratives from mainstream media sources whereas even people in (outwardly) repressive countries just roll their eyes at their own propaganda outlets.

    I’m this respect, Reddit represents America beautifully.

  6. R/antiwork. Workers have no rights, no financial security, work endless hours for poverty wages, and it’s designed this way on purpose.

  7. School shootings and I say that unjokingly. It really is a major fucking problem.

    P.s. fuck Uvalde PD

  8. How delusional the left as a whole has become. Not to say the conventional right is any more sane, but still.

  9. The only thing I could think of at all is subs of sports teams. You’ll see a lot of posts with people thinking they’re smarter than professional athletes/coaches, whenever they lose it’s because the refs were against them. A lot of irrational statements in general…that represents a lot of sports fans in America lol. Not sure about the rest of the world. I’m guessing it’s similar

  10. Reddit is very accurate in portraying what upper middle class, tech savvy, young white men think.

  11. American willingness to tell their life story to strangers as a form of small talk.

  12. Whatever do you mean? I exclusively drink bottled water and wear sneakers in my own home at all times. 😏

  13. Users here will say America’s actually super right leaning and the left is the minority. No, that’s only because this sub in specific has a conservative lean and bad habit to downvote pretty much any left leaning opinion.

    The majority of the country for the past 20 years has been moving more and more to the left, it’s just the Fascist Republicans have been cheating for the past 20 years to remain in power. (Such as Dubya’s first election, yeah, the Reps called for the right-leaning SCOTUS to stop Florida’s recount early, they weren’t finished counting and in the original call the state went for Gore)

    This is just 1 example of the many, many, *many* bullshit plays the right has used to keep power despite becoming more and more of a minority.

  14. That Americans are willing and open to politicizing everything. EVERYTHING. Like anyone’s problem with any thing can always be boiled down to those damn liberals or those crazy republicans. Jeez, we can find root causes of things that aren’t always covered up in political jargon.. I think pop tarts are still fair game..

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