After how many dates with someone you’d feel like you want to delete your dating apps?

  1. To me it’s not about the number of dates, but how much we connect within the dates we had. It’s ranged from deleting after the 3rd to sometimes the first

  2. Maybe like 3 or 4. I’ve rarely ever dated, so I’d need to get comfortable with someone in order to feel like deleting dating apps.

  3. For me, the apps stayed until we’ve established we’re “official”. Women play too many games for me to delete the app after a couple dates.

  4. Eh. Three. Depending on chemistry. However these days my dating apps seem to be blocked at certain wifi addresses. So now I wonder how the fuck I’m supposed to find a date the hard way.

  5. Until it’s official. Anything before that is being too keen, and my philosophy is you should not put all your eggs in one basket because the girl is seeing her other options too, so should you.

  6. After a couple good dates, I probably stop actively seeking out new people on the apps and after a couple more good dates, let things fizzle out with anyone else I was casually seeing or talking to.

    Delete the apps after we talk about and agree to be in an exclusive relationship.

  7. I met someone one a dating app where we went on a different date each weekend. After each date, I feel closer to her. After the third, I felt pretty safe to delete the apps. Then, two days later, she said she found someone who was more compatible with her. So I download one of the apps again.

  8. Once she asks for exclusivity and I know I like her enough to agree. It’s not about the # of dates, though if that asks comes too quickly it’s a red flag

  9. There is no number. I need to feel strong attraction, see long term potential, and (most commonly lacking) that she is cooperating with me around meeting up for dates or whatever plan. With those qualifications met, the minimum number of dates is two and I would put the apps on pause. To delete an app it has to be a decided/discussed exclusive situationship with at least a month of dating before it.

    Don’t pause your status or delete dating apps inside of two dates ever. Even if she seems cooperative and happy to meet up again on the first date, actions speak louder than words and her, or you, might still change your mind about how you feel about each other after the next few dates.

    Feeling connecte and, attraction matters. That’ll give you motivation to initiate, plan, execute, or whatever, but I’ve done that so many times with many matches and realize it’s pretty irrelevant when looking for a bit more than a casual relationship with someone who’s looking for the same. The relationships I’ve been in didn’t require high effort on my part just to _meet up_ in the early stages — an experience that is all too common. that it almost feels uncomfortable when it changes up. With experience, you gain the ability to see that you should ration your effort, and never be hopeful about any interaction until you see something totally different. Don’t buy into “she’s worth it” and think that extreme levels of effort will be noticed and overcome a non-cooperative woman, winning her over. Unfriend anyone else who tries you convince you of this narrative as well because they’re lying to you, or are stupid themelves. It’s going to feel uncomfortable, but you will be more successful for it — keep on dating.

    It really helped me when dating to assume (or pretend) whoever I am dating has 2-3 other guys chatting with her, and at least one of them probably seems more attractive than me. They are all trying to meet up with her the same as you. Let her do her business if she is being difficult to meet up with, and I stick to mine which is not just dating others, but my own life as well.

  10. Zero. Dating apps take an immense toll on my mental health.

    One to stop using them. Handful to get around to deleting them.

  11. I always felt like deleting my dating apps. Online dating sucks ass.

    I mean … I’m pretty effective when it comes to sweettalking girls. The matches I get I often convert. But by God … are most of them bland and boring.

    The minute my now girlfriend suggested we both delete our app, I did. Fuck dating apps.

  12. When it’s agreed that we aren’t going to see other people. And if the other person takes issue with it, then clearly it’s time to have that conversation.

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