Hi everyone,

this is just going to be a venting post, as I don’t really know who to vent to. I don’t have many people in my life anyway, and these days my insecurities are resurfacing.

So, I turned 30yo less then a month ago. That didn’t really mean much per sé, in a sense that it didn’t really feel like a “milestone” or anything, it felt like any other birthday. That being said, I’ve been feeling real down lately, due to various things regarding my appearance and dating life, and maybe I could get some words of encouragement here.

First thing: I’m losing my hair and my sight.
A lot of you might be like “well, duh, get in line”, as I know it’s a common thing, but the fact is… Besides my father, who is now over 70, everyone in my family has a full head of hair, and only my parents wear glasses and maybe sometimes my sister. I grew up NEVER thinking about losing hair or having to wear glasses. Suddenly, in the space of a few years, I have to accept that I will soon be bald with glasses. To be clear, I don’t mean to offend anyone here, I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just saying that I never had to think about that, and I feel like I’m not “prepared” to face that reality.
I see good looking bald guys everyday, they’re in a relationship and they seem happy, yet it feels like as soon as I’ll decide to shave my head and finally go to an eye doctor, my dating life will be over.

This is just something that gets added to the overall situation, as I’m also a foreigner in another country. I can speak the language at a good enough level to do everything here, but not enough to sound “funny” and to give witty responses as I would in other languages. It doesn’t help that the girls here are not very welcoming in general. On top of that, I put on weight again, after changing my physical job to an office job, right after hurting my back and having to stop my training routine. Because of that, I spiraled back to a lazy lifestyle, where I’m not eating healthy, I’m sleeping at weird hours, and kinda slacking off a bit too much.

Online dating has often mixed results, as I’ve had some nice dates in the past, but in the last few months I either get no matches, or I get ignored after the match, or I get interested in someone only to be then dumped at the last moment for some silly reason. Going out and meeting people is also pretty hard for me as I’m not that much of an extrovert, especially at first, and I don’t have a “friends group” to go out with. Add to that the fact that locals are also not that friendly. I’m basically always struggling to find things to do to keep myself entertained and not rot at home.

So yeah… I’m balding, losing sight, I put on weight, the locals ignore me and I get dumped on OD apps.
I don’t even know exactly what the point of this post is, it’s just that I’m really feeling hopeless these days.

Sorry for the whine. I really needed somewhere to vent.

  1. Where are you from and where are you now?

    Contacts, minoxidil/finasteride/duasteride for the hair. Physio/rehab for the back. You’re only 30. Relax.

  2. Welcome to getting old, it does suck but part of life is living with the downturn.

    At 40 I’ve kind of just given up on sex/love/relationships ever being a part of my life, I kind of missed that bus and I’m too far behind to catch up.

  3. Use the office job as a way to relax and let your back heal. Enjoy being a little lazy for a bit. Play some games, join a social circle? You can always get back into a physical routine after healing.
    Most importantly, it’s okay to feel bad. It doesn’tean you fucked up or you did anything wrong. Life just sucks sometimes.

    Also, 2/3rds of all men lose hair. I’m 27 and getting the widow peak thing happening and it started happening pretty early like 20 years old for me. It’s fine

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