This started happening over this past week.

My (46F) BF (52M) recently began having multiple dry orgasms with oral and manual stimulation of the penis (no butt stuff).

We have been, for several months, having almost daily, sometimes multiple times per day, extended cock worship sessions (over an hour), where I edge him with my mouth and hands.

Over the past week, this started resulting in dry orgasms instead of ejaculation.

He has had as many as 15 dry orgasms in one session (!!!). He says it feels like he is ejaculating, but nothing comes out and he stays hard…. so, we keep going.

From my perspective, it feels like he is going to ejaculate (pulsing on penis, abdominal contractions, etc.) but there is no ejaculate.

This is a new development, and has never happened before for him.

He has only been able to ejaculate this past week during PIV sex. (He doesn’t ever engage in self-pleasure/masturbation).

He would like to learn how to control when he ejaculates and when he has a dry orgasm, so that he could, ideally, experience multiple dry orgasms and finish with ejaculation during these sessions.

He needs advice and tips.

He is enjoying experiencing multiple orgasms. However, he feels frustrated and out of control and wants to be able to force ejaculation on demand.

Should he be worried that he cannot ejaculate except during PIV sex?

Note: He had a vasectomy over 20 years ago with no problems.

(We composed this post together. Throwaway account.)

1 comment
  1. I’m 44M and to this day cannot orgasm without ejaculate. SO I can’t comment on how my older self will be. I can only tell you that I can ejaculate with a, lets call it a minor orgasm, witch will allow me to orgasm again with full ejaculate a few minutes later. I see this as a double orgasm for me. It may not equal a female double orgasm, but it’s the closest I can think of.

    We have to take our partners word for what it is. If he says he’s had an orgasm with no cum… I cannot reason why a man would lie about this.

    Take it as it is and enjoy.

    As a 44m right now tho, I question what he’s saying. Sorry I’m no help.

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