So someone has a crush on me and she trusted my friend not to tell me, but he did tell me and when I joined a call with them I accidentally told her, and now she knows and im dead, my friends hate me now and yeah. Im a horrible friend. So what do I do?

  1. Wait so someone told you something they weren’t supposed to and now you’re the bad guy? Lmao. Fuck these guys.

  2. It’s not your fault if your friend told when he shouldn’t have. Here’s the thing; stupid secrets like this get leaked all the time. If they’re going to get mad at you for knowing a secret your friend couldn’t keep to himself, you should find new friends honestly, because you’ve literally no blame in this. Regardless of what you do, you should ask them why they are mad at you for someone else telling you something.

  3. You’re not a horrible friend.

    Horrible friends are the ones who get confided to in private, and who leak secrets against the person’s consent.

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