Please, no shame or unkind comments. I’m a human who has been through a lot these past few years and I’m surprised I’m even still here.

I’m a single woman in my late 30’s w/no kids and not looking for a relationship. I went out with some friends unexpectedly for the first time in months last week and randomly met a really cute guy. We took the convo to my place which led to making out and some over the clothes stuff. He wanted more but I was not hook up ready. He was totally fine with that and gave me his number. I didn’t tell him this but what I really needed to do was some major body grooming and mental prep in order to feel confident with someone new. I can tell he’s into me and I know he likes what I look like with clothes on. But I’m feeling the most insecure about what he’ll see and feel when the clothes are off.

I used to strength train regularly and sex was amazing then. I stopped about 3 years ago and have not been back in a gym in almost 2 years. Because of this, I’ve lost the muscle I had and gained about 30lbs back (originally lost 100lbs+ naturally). I have loose skin on almost every part of my body and I feel so out of shape that I have no idea what positions I’m even capable of doing. I’m not stiff but I also wouldn’t say that I’m flexible. I don’t want him to feel like he’s doing all the work + I like being in control sometimes. Would love some position suggestions?

Lastly, I live in a tiny apt and share at least two of my walls with neighbors. It’s the first apt that I have to monitor how loud I am during sex and if I’m enjoying myself it’s really hard to hold it in (it turns me on too). What do you screamers do to keep quiet?

I’m probably over thinking the sh*t out of this but that’s because it’s been too long + he’s 10yrs younger! >.< Thanks!

  1. “I’m probably overthinking the sh*t out of this”

    Yes, yes you are.

    Meet him, and just focus on having fun, the fact he is 10 years younger, he’s just gonna be in awe of being with an older woman. 99% of men aren’t worried about lose skin, or carrying extra weight. They’re just happy to get the attention of a woman and feel desired themselves.
    Stop overthinking and have a wonderful time! Don’t worry about the neighbors, it’s not like it’s a regular problem they’ve had to endure.

  2. For the flexibility try some at home yoga. It should have a pretty quick impact on flexibility.

    Fellow screamer here – when I have to be quieter I’ll scream into a pillow.

    Have fun!

  3. As a guy I can confidently tell you that he will not care about the loose skin at all!!

    Maybe suggest hanging out at his place and explain why.

    If that’s not an option then it can be fun to stay quiet during sex almost as if you’re having to be secretive 🙂

    Good luck!

  4. If you wait until you are over your body insecurities he’ll have moved on, because it may take years or never. Just go for it. 👍

  5. One of the best weekends of my life was with a woman 12 years my senior. I’d guess it was hers as well as I’ve never made a woman squirt as much as she did.

    I’ll always be an advocate for older woman sleeping with younger men. These younger guys need an older woman to teach them a thing or two.

  6. As a guy I can tell you that stuff wouldn’t bother me. I am a very fit person, but in the end I just appreciate someone that takes care of themselves in terms of grooming. It sounds like he’s into you already, and as long as you’re comfortable I’m assuming he would be too. The best thing for me as a man, is when the person I’m with is enjoying herself.

    On the other hand, props to you for being considerate of your neighbors. I used to live in a similar place and a few of my neighbors had super loud sex. It gets really uncomfortable. I see some people have suggested pillows, which I would second—or music. Good luck!

  7. Get out of your head ASAP. Go do some grooming as you see fit, but get out of your head. You are overthinking this way too much.

    Relax and enjoy the younger stallion. Be upfront with him, “Hey, I wanna have fun, but it’s been a while so be patient with me!”. That should do the trick.

    All you have to do is do what you like! He will certainly do what he likes!

  8. OMG she is ten years older she would probably know kamasutra in little details and I riskto be a two pump chump…

    Guys…relax and enjoy.
    Ah, I suppose the neighbor will enjoy too.

    As we say here in Italy, se son rose fioriranno, if they are rose, they will blossom. Go for the present, for the future will see.

  9. My bf is 8 years younger than me and he’s in awe of my sexuality. Go with it. Who cares if you’re loud.

  10. “I’m not that flexible” lady he isn’t gonna walk out mid sex over missionary, doggie and cowgirl. You don’t have to Kama sutra the first rodeo 😂

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