I was love bombed for a month by a guy. I knew he was dating around but I didn’t expect him to bomb me with affections and emotions. I didn’t want to believe him too since I know he is also sleeping with other girls but at the back of my mind I treasured those feelings. A month passes by of seeing each other every weekend. He ghosted me halfway into the second month. I looked up his public social and saw that he posted a picture of him with his family and a girl from my same ethnicity. Now, I feel small. Like even in my same ethnicity, I am not enough to be chosen (a different issue, I know). How do I look at this phase in my life positively? I want to forget but those moments with him made me happy. Now, I’m just broken.

  1. This happens to me every time I talk to A guy I wish it didn’t I used to get my feelings hurt so bad now I’m so used to it but I am sorry this happened to you!

  2. You wouldn’t need to get over love bombing if you never get love bombed. You know where the block button is.

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