Before I get into this though, if you have any criticism or comments, I do want yall to be honest but do be respectful as well. Im genuinely trying to understand what happened here so it doesn’t happen again. Ill also try my best not to skew any of the information and keep it truthful.

One day, one of my(22M) coworkers that works quite close to me pulled me aside and mentioned one of his female friends(22F) had noticed me when she went to go talk to him. She had apparently thought I was really attractive. She was apparently talking about me a lot in their friend group and really wanted my number. I agreed because I remember seeing her come around and thought she was attractive as well. I give him my number to give to her and we start texting the same day. It was going really well. While texting over a 2 week span, we were making each other laugh, talking about our families, talking about deep topics, talking about our pasts, where we grew up, flirting heavily the entire time. The chemistry was there and she would almost always text back really fast (within 10 minutes) so I knew her interest was high. Something odd that caught my attention though was on the few times that we saw each other at work (2 times within the 2 weeks) she would pretend like she didn’t know me. She would see me and just keep walking. Not even a wave. For both time she texted me saying she was in a rush so I didn’t really think much of it.

So last week Wednesday, I had asked her what her plans for this Halloween weekend/ Halloween Monday were. She said she had none for whatever reason. I mention we could have a scary movie date on Monday and she texted “Yea sure!”. I mention we could also do something on Saturday since I didn’t have anything planned on that day either and she said “Yes we can! I’m down for whatever”. In my head, I’m like damn this is going really well. I mention I know a good pizzeria that we could go to. I like to go there because it has outdoor seating in a garden which I think is pretty cool. I send the text but she doesn’t answer. This is around 6pm. I text her again on Thursday at like 4pm trying to confirm if she was still good with Saturday. All she said was “I thought I responded last night. I must have fell asleep” without answering my question. From there, we spiraled into another conversation that went until 3pm on Friday where I asked her where I should pick her up for our date on Saturday. She didn’t respond again. I waited until noon on Saturday for her to say something but she didn’t so I scheduled another date that same evening. It went so well we also hung out Sunday too. Sunday evening rolls around and still no response from her so I text her to confirm if we were still good for Monday (Halloween). She gives another seemingly enthusiastic “Yes!”.

The original plan was to get something to eat and then watch the movie. I texted her “Also if you are comfortable with it, we could go back to your place and watch a movie cuz I have Netflix and Hulu. If not, we could go to the movies”. She texted back “You don’t give me weird vibes so that’s fine”.

When discussing food I sent her a picture of a restaurant and said “We can go here. I’ve been here before and it has a great atmosphere. If you’re fine with this, ill come get you at 6:30.” Then I sent a separate text saying “or we could just order some pizza to your place if you don’t feel like going out. Whichever.” She texts “lol idc we can order something if you wanttt”. I told her I would be there at 7 and she texts “okayyy”.

If you ignore those small inconsistencies, I was getting straight green lights from this girl from the start. Then she says she would rather order in and watch Netflix at night at her crib rather than be taken to a restaurant and the movies. I was getting complete Netflix and Chill vibes from her. But it turn out ignoring those inconsistencies was a mistake.

I got to the apartment, we hugged and greeted each other inside. She got blankets, I scrolled through Netflix and picked a movie, and we started watching the movie like 3-4 minutes after I got there. We were already sitting somewhat close but I went to put my arm around her and she leaned her body on mine. Everything was going fine. I would say like 5-10 minutes later, told her she smelled nice in her ear and kinda nervous laughed, said she got the scent from Target, and started texting on her phone. I was like “oh dang, she didn’t like that” so I had asked her if she was uncomfortable being this close. She said no in a way like she was shocked( in a bad way) that I asked that question. OK so I don’t do anything for another 10ish minutes, then I asked if I could kiss her. At this point, she has been pulling her phone out to text multiple different people, which was bothering me a lot but I didn’t say anything at that point. She laughed and said eventually without looking at me. After a few more minutes, I put my hand on her thigh. The way we are snuggled, her legs were kinda on my lap so it wasn’t that crazy of a move I thought. As the minutes go by, I let my hand go lower and lower on her thigh. She hasn’t moved and her face in pretty neutral. Even when my hand got all the way down to her crotch, she didn’t say anything or move so I started rubbing it through the clothes. The hand that I had around shoulder, I moved it to her breast. Still no reaction but is still periodically texting other people. It didn’t seem like she was talking about me. It looked like she was making plans to go somewhere with the people in that groupcaht. After maybe 3-4 minutes of groping, I told her I wanted to kiss her and I move my hand from her breast to her chin to turn her face towards mine however she refused to turn her head to me and started laughing again without looking at me. I ask if she was uncomfortable again. She ignored me and started texting again. At this point, I know I stopped touching her but I’m gonna be completely honest with yall and say I can’t remember If I went in for a third kiss or not. If I did, she blew me off the exact same way as the first two times.

At this point, I straight up say to her “you aren’t feeling this are you”. She was like “what do you mean?” like she was trying to play dumb. I spent 5 minutes making it even more awkward that it already was asking multiple question on her behavior and what I got out was that she wasn’t expecting to do anything since it was the first date and she has asked if I was used to this from other girls. No, I usually take girls out and take things slow. I have never Netflix and Chilled with anyone before but this seemed like a textbook example of a girl wanting to do some stuff. At this point, I was quite frustrated internally. Like why didn’t you say something from the start??? Why just silently text on your phone?? Like wtf?? I immediately put some distance between us and again asked if she was uncomfortable and if she wanted me to leave. And of course, she said she was fine and stops talking. Even more weird tho was that she kept trying to make her thigh touch mine even after all that. I just kept slowly moving away.

To make matters even worse, I picked a REALLY fucking stupid horror comedy movie (scary movie) because I figured we wouldn’t actually be watching it. So now we are stuck in this awkward tension watching a movie that I know we both don’t want to watch.

When the movie ended, I quickly got up, put on my shoes, said it was good seeing her, apologized for making things awkward, and left. She just said bye while staying on the couch texting.

I am slighty concerned this will become a problem at work since we seem to know the same people. She wasn’t saying anything. If I had only asked 1 or 2 question, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. I had literally keep asking just to get any opinions out of her. Even now, I’m still not completely sure what is going through her head. I’m not even sure if there is a point in texting since I doubt she will respond.

I don’t really know which subreddit to post this to but I would just like the fine folks here to give me their honest opinion on what the hell just happened here and if there is anything I should do.

TLDR: I thought a girl was really feeling me and trying to set up a Netflix and Chill situation when she actually wanted to take things slow(or maybe not interested?). I didn’t realize until it was too late.

  1. When you’re trying to hook up with someone and they’re not visibly enthusiastic about what you’re doing, or even reacting at all, that’s your cue to stop.

  2. Yea.. you screwed up on the date since you thought it was just a hookup. Kudos to you for asking if she was comfortable and all that, but damn you missed what the date actually was since you called it a date to her and not a hookup. Also, she sounded flakey to begin with when she wasn’t texting you back. Chalk this date up to a lose and learn from it. Don’t assume it’s a Netflix and chill moment.

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