Hey guys

So for starters, I (M23) and my GF (F23) started dating about two months ago. I have not been in many relationships before because I know what I want in a girl and just really haven’t had “luck” in finding what I want. However, about three months ago, I met a coworker who I had a LOT in common with. And I mean a scary amount in common with, like both being adopted from the same country (two days apart in our gotcha days) and basically the same name.

I can go on and on about how much we have in common, but that’s not the point. It’s been two months like I said and we are already talking about our future ie. marriage, kids, names for kids. And was wondering if that’s normal in relationships. I know what we have is real and we both feel so sure in each other’s future with ourselves, but was wondering if that seemed out of the ordinary.

Should we be having conversations like this, this far in the relationship? Or are we rushing things? We both feel comfortable with each other and don’t have any problems whatsoever at this stage other than being three hours away from each other which doesn’t help the situation. But every time I’m with her I feel like I’m living, and without her it’s like I’m surviving just to be with her.

TLDR: Have a scary amount in common with my relatively new GF, just want to make sure we aren’t rushing things by taking about marriage and kids at this stage.

  1. IMO, you have quite a ways to go before you start talking about such big, life changing events. Enjoy the budding romance and continue to get to know one another.

  2. > I know what we have is real and we both feel so sure in each other’s future with ourselves

    If you know its real and you both are on the same page….who cares if its “out of the ordinary”? Because what exactly is “ordinary” anyways? Is “ordinary” good?

    >Should we be having conversations like this, this far in the relationship? Or are we rushing things? We both feel comfortable with each other and don’t have any problems whatsoever at this stage other than being three hours away from each other which doesn’t help the situation. But every time I’m with her I feel like I’m living, and without her it’s like I’m surviving just to be with her.

    If you are both on the same page…are you rushing things? If both of you are rushing things…it means you both agree on the pace. Right?

    I think you’re panicking a bit because you feel she is somebody you want to be with long term. Which is great.

    Remember, as long as both of you are on the same page and you have the same goal…then its the correct pace.

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