Whenever it’s a 1:1 ratio, the above average women always get approached coupled up during that night.

If it’s a 10:2 ratio the 10 being being the men, then the women are more than likely at the club with their boyfriends so that’s not good.

If If it’s a 10:2 ratio the 10 being being the women, then the women will think the rest of the men there are “creeps”.

  1. Here’s a novel idea. Women at the club, will only talk to you to get you to buy them a drink and then scurry off back to their little gal friends.

    You. Don’t. Meet. Good . Women. At. the. Club.

  2. About 50/50. At first Look you’ll think that’s probably not a great ratio for the guys, but half the guys that are there will either be more interested in drinking and hanging out with the Bros than needing women. So right there that changes it to a two to one ratio of women too men who are actually interested in meeting someone and willing to approach a woman. At the same time it’s not a ratio that’s so far out of whack to where it’ll look like there’s something weird with guys being there.

  3. I would say look at engineering and nurse school. The ratio is around 20:1 M:F ratio. Female engineers are famous for being way above picky for their league. In the other hand, female nurses are well known to be easy going and forgiving when approached by males.

    Anyway ratio has little to do, its who you approach. If all the 20 guys approach the same 1 gal, then its even worse than a 1:1 ratio.

  4. Nightclubs are shit regardless of ratio. I’d sooner try my luck with that nerdy girl who’s always at the library and looks like she’s perpetually lonely.

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