Hey all.

Myself and missus struggling to find somewhere to go on holiday this year, I really like marinas and boats, so looking for somewhere with a nice marina if possible – I suggested Jersey, been there a couple times already, and the marina is stunning, but she wasn’t keen due to flights and delays etc due to covid and it’s put her off flying, so that’s understandable.

We went Lake District couple years ago, really enjoyed that, but looking for somewhere different this time.

Activity wise, we’re not the most active if I’m honest, so not interested in an activity week, and ideally we want somewhere not too busy but we do like walking and historical sites, and she likes shopping lol We will be driving, so nowhere out of reach really.

I kinda like Torquay, never been and looks nice, but any suggestions on mainland welcome!

  1. Isles of Scilly? It is good for boat trips. I’m not super active but loved it there.

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