I’ve (24f) been seeing this guy (22m) for the past few months. We’ve typically seen each other once a week, normally just watch a movie at his place (except for the past couple weeks since we’ve both been too busy). It looks like we’ll probably go another week before seeing each other since we were both busy this weekend too. I think I’m getting a bit confused over whether he likes me and wants this to go somewhere or if he keeps talking to me just to be nice.
Here is some additional info:
– We met on bumble
– I’m normally the one to text him and we’ve been going days without texting/snapping the past couple weeks since I’m busy.
– Most of our casual dates/hangouts have been prompted by me
– The dude is indecisive and can’t make a decision to save his life, I have to choose what we do and such.
– When together, we only really touch when we’re kissing, other than that there’s no cuddling, handholding, etc.
I think some of this can be explained by the fact that he’s a shy, reserved and pretty cautious dude, at least around me. Every time we’re together, he asks me at least once if what he’s doing (kissing or touching wise) is okay and I’m comfortable. Whenever we text he seems interested, especially if it’s been a couple days (like he’s happy I texted him) but then he never really asks to see me or hangout. I’m just confused as to whether he actually likes me or if he’s just breadcrumbing at this point. How would you ask someone you were casually dating if they’re interest in you and where this is going? Would you do it in person or is over text ok too?

TL;DR: guy I’m seeing is a bit reserved/shy and difficult to tell if he likes me or not. How do I ask him?

1 comment
  1. So, you know he likes you. He kisses you. And you said he is shy and reserved and such. He’s probably just an introvert and doesn’t know how to proceed. So, guide him. Let him know you want to be with him, let him know you want to do whatever you want to do. Snuggle up to him while watching movies. The guy for sure likes you, he just isn’t one of those guys that is all in your face about it.

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